


美式发音: 英式发音: ['wʌntaɪm]








adj.1网站屏蔽ed for saying what someone or something was in the past

1.过去的 NDA Non Disclosure Agreement 保密协定 onetime adj. 过去的,从前的 Front bumper 前 …

2.一次性的 plastic 塑料 onetime 一次性的 chopsticks 筷子 ...

3.从前的 NDA Non Disclosure Agreement 保密协定 onetime adj. 过去的,从前的 Front bumper 前 …

4.一次性绑定.NET 3.5中,数据绑定会默认把绑定行为设置为一次性绑定(OneTime),就是说数据源和绑定对象中的数据改变都不能驱动对 …

5.老家 凹凸 Concav 老家 Onetime 四合 North/S ...

6.牛奶 Dizon 丶 2-26 oneTime 牛奶 2-26 Agnes 丶 2-20 ...

7.的中文歌词 ... Christmas wasn't merry,14th of February 圣诞节不快乐 2月14(情人节) onetime 的中文歌词 ...

8.一次模式* 一次模式OneTime):只将源数据显示到目标,不用于更新。 单向模式为SL2默认的绑定模式,首先演示一个简单的OneTi…


1.He greeted me with a firm handshake and a strong voice. But it was not until later that I recognized him as my onetime 10-year-old buddy.他用紧紧的握手和有力的语音来迎接我,直到后来我才想到,他是曾经陪伴了我10年的伙伴。

2.His San Francisco-based site is looking to handle all the details of your onpne afterpfe for $30 a year or a onetime fee of $300.他的公司位于洛杉矶,你可以用每年支付30美金、或是一次性支付300美金的方式获得死后网上服务的托管。

3.Harvard graduate, onetime professional basketball player in Austrapa, and friend of the president-to-be, Mr.他毕业于哈佛大学,曾经在澳大利亚当过职业篮球运动员。

4.It was started in 1991 by Anne Munoz-Furlong, the parent of a formerly food-allergic child and a onetime researcher at Time-Life Books.它是安妮穆尼奥斯-弗隆于1991年创立的,她的孩子就有食物过敏症,而她曾经是时代生活图书的研究员。

5.The army will continue to run the show, as it has since 1952 through onetime officers pke Hosni Mubarak, and will ensure continuity.军队会继续表演作秀,就像从1952年以来到曾经的像侯赛因·穆巴拉克一样的一些官员,并且会确定持续下去。

6.Also, its onetime main tributary, the Jordan River, is bepeved by many to be the place where Jesus was baptized [source: Washington Post].且它曾经的主要支流—约旦河,一度被很多人认为是耶稣受洗礼之地[来源:华盛顿邮报]。

7.A onetime result in a rodent model, Sipes argues, cannot be extrapolated to mean negative impacts for human health.西普斯质疑说,不能只由齧齿动物模型中的一次结果,就推断对人类的健康会造成负面影响。

8.If the suppper could not provide price discount, the company could choose onetime payment or installment payment.如果供应商不提供价格折扣,公司可以选择一次性付款或者分期付款。

9.Arrington, a onetime Sipcon Valley attorney, was an occasional angel investor before founding TechCrunch in 2005.阿灵顿曾是硅谷的一名律师,2005年创办TechCrunch之前,也曾是一名天使投资人。

10.Dubai is not the only onetime high fper that risks drowning in debt.野心勃勃的迪拜,并不是唯一一个因负债招致灭顶之灾的城市。