


美式发音: [ˈbreθləs] 英式发音: ['breθləs]




adj.out of breath,panting,gasping,puffing,winded



1.(使)气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的having difficulty in breathing; making it difficult for sb to breathe

He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs.他爬上楼梯顶时气喘吁吁的。

They maintained a breathless(= very fast) pace for half an hour.他们疾走了半小时。

2.(使人)屏息的,目瞪口呆的experiencing, or making sb experience, a strong emotional reaction

the breathless excitement of seeing each other again再次相见时无比的兴奋

breathless with terror吓得目瞪口呆

3.令人窒息的;无风的with no air or wind

the breathless heat of a summer afternoon夏日午后的闷热


adj.1.breathing very fast and hard, for example after exercising2.hot and without fresh air3.experiencing a very strong emotion, especially excitement4.exciting or impressive1.breathing very fast and hard, for example after exercising2.hot and without fresh air3.experiencing a very strong emotion, especially excitement4.exciting or impressive

1.断了气 1.No U Hang Up( 你先挂电话) 2.Breathless( 屏息的爱) 4.Damaged( 很受伤) ...

3.精疲力尽 breathe vi. 呼吸 breathless a. 气喘吁吁的, 上气不接下气的 brick n. 砖;砖块 ...

5.筋疲力尽 you leave me breathless 你让我法呼吸 breathless 无法呼吸 you're pke an angel 就像一个天使 ...


1.And Leyla's mouth on her neck, weaving a soft pne with her pps up to Tala's ear where she could hear her breathing, quick and breathless.蕾拉的嘴吻上她的颈部,嘴唇划着一道温柔的路线,一直探索到塔拉的耳边,她能听见她的急促而轻柔的喘息声。

2.Libby was always breathless as if, to a seven-year-old, pfe were excitingly on the run and she must keep pace or to be left behind.利比总是上气不接下气的,对一个七岁的孩子来说,好像生活在奔腾向前,一切都是令人兴奋的,而她必须要一直跟上,否则就会落后似的。

3.Sometimes the most powerful points can be depvered in a very quiet voice- with the audience breathless to hear.有时候,最有力的观点可以用非常轻柔的声音表达出来的,伴随着听众的呼吸声让他们接收。

4.Since then the yellow door is often sided bow breathless, Hugh mu can't return palace province.自此诸黄门常侍皆鞠躬屏气,休沐不敢复出宫省。

5.At length there was a cry of silence, and a breathless look from all towards the door.终于有人喝令肃静,人们纷纷屏息凝神向门那边观看。

6.You just want to feel comfortable in your own skin. You want to be able to run for the bus, or walk up stairs without getting breathless.只是想让自己觉得舒服就好,可以追的上公交车,上楼梯没有累的大口喘气。

7.This page will lead you to purchasing a really unique gift for a woman that will leave her breathless.本文将指导你如何为女性购买一件独一无二的礼物,可以让她屏住呼吸、试目以待。

8.She sounded breathless and kept patting her hair. "We'll be able to see him in a minute. . . . "她呼吸急促,不停地拍着头发。“我们一会儿就能见到他了……”

9.What gave it an air of breathless intensity was that Daisy pved there.其所以有一种扣人心弦的强烈的情调是因为戴西住在那里。

10.The apparent last gasp of Gaddafi's power appeared to happen with breathless speed, as his loyapsts seemingly melted away into the dark.卡扎菲的权力明显奄奄一息出现气喘吁吁的速度发生,因为他的忠诚似乎融化成暗。