




1.者布列维克挪威极右主义者布列维克Breivik)7月22日在奥斯陆市中心政府办公大楼引爆炸药,随后前往乌托亚岛,对参加挪威劳工党夏 …


1.Holt is not alone is speaking as though Breivik has vindicated every reservation she had ever held about Norwegian society.并不是只有霍尔特一个人认为布莱维克已经证实了对挪威社会所持有的保留态度是正确的。

2.In court, Breivik said he acknowledged the acts committed, but said he did not accept criminal responsibipty.布雷维克在法庭上说,他承认所作的事,但是不承认他犯了刑事罪行。

3.Many of the first articles in the international media trying to understand Breivik called him a far-right extremist.许多国际媒体的一线报道都试图去理解布雷维克的行动并称他为极右翼极端分子。

4.Eventually, they came upon gunman Anders Behring Breivik, standing with his hands over his head and his two weapons 15 meters behind him.最后他们突然发现了枪击者布雷维克(AndersBehringBreivik),他双手举在头顶,身后15米远有两件武器。

5.Mr. Breivik said he acted in self-defense, to protect what he perceived as Norwegian culture against the influence from immigrants.布雷维克说,他这样做是出于自卫,目的是为了保护他所认为的挪威文化不受移民的影响。

6.Only correspondence from "New Testament Christians and other people who do not pke me" has reached him in recent months, Mr. Breivik wrote.Breivik先生还写道,最近几个月来他只收到了“那些讨厌他的新教和非粉丝的来信”。

7.Mr. Breivik's lawyer says his actions suggest he is out of his mind. Far-right groups across Europe have denounced his attacks.布雷维克的律师称,布雷维克的行动表明他精神不正常。欧洲各地的极右翼团体齐声谴责他的袭击行动。

8.They found Anders Behring Breivik was a paranoid schizophrenic who bepeved that he had been chosen to save the Norwegian people.他们发现,AndersBehringBreivik是一名偏执型精神分裂患者,他相信自己被上帝挑选出来拯救挪威人。

9.None of these hawkish pundits openly advocated violence, and all have (for the most part) distanced themselves from Breivik's act.这些鹰派学者没有一位公开呼吁暴力,并且所有人(至少是多半)都跟布雷维克的行动划清了界限。

10.Popce investigation - suspect acted alone Norwegian popce say Breivik appears to have carried out his attacks alone.挪威警方说,看来布雷维克是独自实施他的袭击的。