




1.光明的未来 神木 Karisuma 光明的未来 Bright future 自视性幻觉 Doppelganger ...

2.光明未来做出重要调整,依据时态化繁为简为三大部分:分别是“光明未来”(BRIGHT FUTURE)、“幽灵重现”(SPECTRUM)和“讯 …

3.光明的前途 near future 不久的将来 bright future 光明的未来,光明的前途 future market 未来市场;期货 …

4.大有前途 时尚先生 Esquire Runway 大有前途 Bright Future 天行者 Heavenly Mission ...

5.美好未来 结尾句: 可持续发展 sustainable development 美好未来 bright future 健康而和谐的生活 comfortable and harmonious pfe ...


7.同一片蓝天 2000 The Tax Files 流金税月 1999 Bright Future 同一片蓝天 1996 The Matchmaker’s Match 四点金 ...


1.He gave up his career with bright future in Beijing on her behalf without hesitate , while she actually broke up with him.为了她,他曾毅然放弃了在北京进行事业发展的大好机会。而现在她竟离他而去。

2.I pray they survive, pray that they take my guidence so I can lead them into a bright future instead of the dark path they are leading.我祈求他们能活下来。祈求他们能够接受我的引导这样我能将他们引向光明的未来而不是他们正走向的黑暗小径。

3.I was a teenage mother; pregnant as a high school senior. For quite some time I began to doubt a bright future for myself and my son.我还在念高中时就怀孕了,很长一段时间我一直质疑孩子和我的未来,但我意识到这时候唯一能拯救我的是我自己的态度。

4.He's going to take a break from the game but, as long as he still wants it, he's got a bright future ahead of him.他回去休一段时间的假,但是他一直想当经理。他很清楚自己的未来。

5.the developing world, we wish to be your best friend and welcome a bright future with you hand in hand.世界在变,“阿特”在变,阿特人诚心诚意期待与您交朋友,共创辉煌明天。

6.He is a poptical insider who should have a bright future ahead of him in Russia's booming economy.在经济蓬勃发展的俄罗斯,作为政治圈内人士的他应该有一个光明的前途。

7.But the problems to plagiarists are unconquerable while our problems are easy to overcome since we are the force with a bright future.我们的困难是能够克服的确,因为我们是有光明前途的势力。

8.Low labor costs and a large population, coupled with a rapidly improving infrastructure, seem to promise a bright future indeed.低劳动力成本与人口众多,再加上迅速改善的基础设施似乎预示更为光明的未来。

9.I will learn more than I can do to pursue a bright future. Life is only once for everyone. Don't loss it in wasting your pfe.我要更多的学习,追赶更美好的明天。因为,生命对每个人都只有一次。不要浪费生命。

10.We forever impossibly together still be in the heart in longing for a bright future although being to tell friends this way on the mouth!我们永远地不可能地一起仍然在心在渴望为明亮的未来虽然在这样告诉朋友在那之上嘴!