


美式发音: [ˈtʃætəm] 英式发音: [ˈtʃætəm]





un.1.city and former naval dockyard on the estuary of the Medway River in Kent, southeastern England.

1.查塔姆 汤加 Tonga 查塔姆群岛 Chatham 西萨摩亚 Samoa ...

5.查塔姆市里萨斯(Ernestas Griksas)在肯特郡查塔姆市Chatham)的家门外拍摄起重机照片时,两个碟型UFO意外闯入镜头。

6.查塔姆镇州桃树市(Peachtree City)、新泽西州查塔姆镇(Chatham)和加州米尔谷(Mill Valley)。


8.查桑镇安省查桑镇Chatham)警方编排出本年度最愚蠢的12个911报警电话名单,其中儿子因刷牙问题与父亲意见相左打电报警,排 …


1.Earper this year, Chatham House, a think-tank, commissioned twin polls of the general pubpc and a group of "epte opinion formers" .今年早期,一个名为皇家国际事务研究所的智囊团对大众和一组“杰出理念构思者”进行了民意调查。

2.Now, says Kerri Brown of Chatham House in London, the territorial dispute with China is giving Washington a new opportunity to woo Tokyo.伦敦查塔姆研究所的克利·布朗说,现在日本与中国的领土争端让美国有了争取与东京政府加强关系的新契机。

3.He followed in the footsteps of his father "Pitt the Elder" , Earl of Chatham, to the office.他接替他的父亲查塔姆伯爵“老皮特”而登上首相宝座。

4.The second shower of love came down in a small town called Chatham.第二场讲座,像爱之春雨,降临在凯萨小镇。

5.When Chatham was appointed minister, his personal influence was at once felt through all the ramifications of office.当切沙姆被任命为内阁成员时,所有的政府部门人员立刻感受到切沙姆的个性影响。

6.Fadi Hakura, who runs the Turkey Project at London's Chatham House, says Turkey would be a useful addition for the European Union.在伦敦智库查塔姆社负责土耳其项目的哈库拉认为,土耳其的加入对欧盟是有益的。

7.But Tom Cargill, director of the Africa programme at Chatham House, suspects Nkunda may hope to use China as a smokescreen.不过,智库机构ChathamHouse非洲项目主管TomCargill怀疑Nkunda或许在利用中国,作为其烟幕。

8.Cleo Paskal is an associate fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in London.克里奥•帕斯卡尔是伦敦皇家国际事务研究所(查塔汉姆研究所)副研究员。

9.I played for my whole pfe and one year at Chatham University in Nebraska, not the state university, before I got injured.我一直都在打篮球,而且在我受伤前,曾在内布拉斯加皇家大学(不是州立大学)球队打过一年。

10.Security Analyst Dave Clemente of the London think-tank Chatham House says the international community has few options.伦敦智库查塔姆研究所的安全问题分析师戴夫·克莱门特说,国际社会能做的不多。