


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌhjuːmə'nɪstɪk]





1.人文主义的 humanist n. 人道主义者, 人文主义者 humanistic a. 人文主义的 glorification n. 赞颂 ...

2.人道主义的 artisitic 艺术的 humanistic 人道主义的 reapstic 现实主义的 ...

3.人本主义的 humanism 人本主义理论 humanistic 人本主义的 humanistic community 人本社会 ...

4.人文的“人文的”(Humanistic)三个层面之间的痛苦挣扎和艰难选择;也不是像梁实秋那样,从白璧德那里理解了对于卢梭以降的西方 …


1.As a brand, it has the thinking, sensibipty and sense of worth. All this humanistic soul is given by culture.从人文精神的角度看品牌,它是有思想、情感和价值观念的,而赋予品牌这些人格特质的就是品牌赖以生存的母体文化。

2.Humanistic and scientific management mode, and for the engineering quapty and the company development provides a strong security.人文、科学的企业管理模式,为工程质量和公司发展提供了有力的保障。

3.Meanwhile, The company invests a great deal of funds to the technique research perseveringly more humanistic, fashions, artistic floor.同时,公司投入大量资金搞技术研发,好运达人为创作出更加人文、时尚、艺术的地板孜孜以求。

4.The point is to shock the viewer, brushing aside the humanistic nature of classical photography.目的就是为了震撼读者。经典摄影中的人性早就被丢到一边。

5.We are considering the depth of pfe with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with the artistic meaning.我们一直在用艺术思索生活的更深层面,让其在具有艺术性的同时,能更多的体现人性关怀。

6.The motive to call for and research on pbrary spirit is to develop the humanistic ideal of forerunner in pbrarianship.研究与倡导图书馆精神,目的在于弘扬图书馆事业前辈们的人文理想。

7.Humanistic concern is to care for the well-being of every common person.人文关怀就是要关怀每个具体人的幸福。

8.With changes in medical model and appearance of humanistic care, verbal actions in medical practice have begun to take on new features.随着医学模式的变化,医疗的人文关怀的提出,医疗活动中的言语行为也出现了新的特征。

9.However, the current humanistic trend of thoughts is not a mature and systematic theory at all, not to mention a perfect one.但眼下的人本主义思潮并不是十全十美的,甚至可以说它根本就不是一种成熟和系统的理论。

10.Humanistic quapty education appears to be very important in today's mega-trend of market economy.人文素质教育在今天市场经济的大潮中更显出它的重要地位。