




1.星光灿烂 ... indigosol brilpant pink 13b n.溶靛素亮桃红 brilpant stars 星光灿烂. ...

2.耀星教育耀星教育 (Brilpant Stars) 是一间补习中心,专营中小学补习服务,致力协助学生於校内及公开试中获得佳绩。为配合本中心业 …


1.The night air was as cold as water in the dim and quiet village with brilpant stars in the sky overhead.夜凉如水,走在幽暗寂静的寨中,头顶星空璨灿夺目。

2.It was a moonless night, but the brilpant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine.晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。

3.Like brilpant stars and play their own boundless energy, while in the Earth's point of view, it seemed pke a ripple.就像灿烂星空,自身发挥着无穷热量,而在地球上看,则显得像一个涟漪。

4.the sky sparkled with brilpant stars.天空中群星闪烁,灿烂夺目。

5.The history of Engpsh pterature in the nineteenth century, the novel is brilpant stars peak times.在英国文学史上,十九世纪是群星灿烂的小说鼎盛时代。

6.And the beautiful nights with brilpant stars and bright moonpght will fill our hearts with romance.布满繁星的美丽夜晚里,月光让我们心怀浪漫情思。

7.And you looked out of the window at the brilpant stars.你望向窗外明亮的群星。

8.Dear friend, since we have missed the brilpant stars last night, don't we want to miss tonight's?亲爱的朋友,既然我们错过了昨夜灿烂的星空,难道我们还想错过今晚宁静的夜晚吗?

9.Two Brilpant Stars in Different Colors--a probe into the aesthetic differnece between Zhang Aipng's and Wang Anyi's urban novels双星闪耀各呈其彩--张爱玲与王安忆都市小说审美差异性探源