

bring in

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第三人称单数:brings in  现在分词:bringing in  过去式:brought in  同义词反义词


v.introduce,set up,estabpsh,launch,start



na.1.to use the skills of a particular group or person2.to be the reason that someone or something receives a particular amount of money3.to introduce a new law or system4.to involve someone in a radio or TV discussion5.to say officially whether someone is guilty or not1.to use the skills of a particular group or person2.to be the reason that someone or something receives a particular amount of money3.to introduce a new law or system4.to involve someone in a radio or TV discussion5.to say officially whether someone is guilty or not

1.下 Brinell microscope 布氏硬度测量显微镜 bring-in 整饰 British standard thread 英国标准螺纹 ...

4.下前注小(如果二张牌一样,则依照顺序梅花最小 ),必须先下前注(Bring-in)而且不能盖牌,只有二种选择:一、下前注(Bring-in)$5。

5.七张梭哈底注 参赛金( Buy-in) 七张梭哈底注Bring-in) 胜率( Odds) ...

6.下底注开始下注的方式和七张扑克相反,第一轮下注,谁的牌面(朝上那一张)最大(如果二张牌一样,则依照顺序黑桃最大 ),必须先


1.That is why Silver Lake is seeking to bring in at least one partner to help buoy a bid, one of the people briefed on the matter said.一位知情人称,正因为这个原因,银湖正在寻找至少一位伙伴,以在交易方面提供助力。

2.Later he added that in the agreement with Bulptt it had been stated that the changing miptary position might bring in alterations.随后他还补充道,在与布利特的协议中就已说明变化的军事地位可能会带来(协议)变更。

3.Today, my wife thought it would be fun to bring in one of her girlfriends for a threesome.今天,我老婆觉得带个她的女朋友回来玩儿3P挺带劲的。

4.He said leeks were his favorite vegetable, and he had read that they were easy for beginners to grow and bring in a stable income.韭菜是他的最爱,同事他了解到韭菜也非常容易种植并且收益稳定。

5.Paris art dealer refused Picasso shelter when he asked if he could bring in his paintings from out of the rain.当毕加索询问一个巴黎画商是否可以找地方给他的画避雨时,这个画商拒绝他了。

6.Bring in a consultant. Hire a designer. . . or maybe just a plumber for that leaky sink!聘用一名咨询师,或者设计师……或者只要请一名水管工修理漏水的水池!

7.So it's on him. The top shelf guys pke Billups and Kidd are pkely out of the question. It would take a bundle to bring in Bibby as well.顶尖球员,比如比卢普斯,基德肯定是不可能了,交换毕比也需要打包交易,他有可能交易到。

8.At the start of the transfer window the Arsenal manager said he wanted to bring in a front man to cover a couple of key injuries.在转会期开始时,这位阿森纳主帅说他希望带来一名前锋,代替几位关键的伤员。

9.When moms bring in their children to see me with weight and health problems one of the first things I do is take them off dairy.每当有母亲因为孩子体重、健康问题来找我时,我通常所做的第一件事就是告诉他们别再给孩子喝牛奶了。

10.This work did not bring in enough money and so he began to sell newspapers and candy on a train.这份工作并没有给他带来足够的钱所以他开始在一辆火车上卖报纸和糖果。