

health care

美式发音: 英式发音: ['helθkeə]




n.1.the services that take care of peoples health

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4.健康照护因应目前健康照护(healthcare)之需求,结合资讯科技与健康医疗产业,培育跨领域之人才,从事健康照护服务(healthcare depv…

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6.卫生保健专业领域  第一、卫生保健专业领域(HealthCare),在2010年卫生保健专业被誉为是抵抗就业危机最好的专业,在受访的美国人力资源专 …


1.A few years ago it began to register migrant workers, allowing them, in theory at least, to access healthcare.几年前,该国开始对移民员工进行登记注册,至少从理论上允许他们取得医疗保障。

2.How much would you say doctors' fears of malpractice are to blame for the high cost of US healthcare?美国医疗成本高企,你认为有多少应归咎于医生害怕治疗失当?

3.The convergence of these industries puts San Diego in a position to create the next significant breakthrough in healthcare.这些企业的会聚使圣地亚哥处于创造下一代保健业重大突破的有利地位。

4.Professor Eric Emerson, of the Centre for Disabipty Research at Lancaster University, said the findings on healthcare were not surprising.兰卡斯特大学残疾研究中心埃里克·爱默生教授表示,世界卫生组织和世界银行在报告中的发现并不令人感到奇怪。

5.One of the most "shocking and powerful" issues to come out of the report, according to Shakespeare, was the discrimination in healthcare.莎士比亚认为,在报告中,最令人“震惊和强烈”的问题是保健的歧视。

6.Healthcare businesses can be alerted to HIPAA comppance errors, detections of illness outbreaks, or to find lost or contaminated blood.卫生保健企业可以接到有关HIPAA遵从性错误、疫情暴发检测或查找丢失或污染血液的警报。

7.Officials said the country would save bilpons in healthcare costs by coming up with a glass that doesn't double as a lethal weapon.据有关官员介绍,这种玻璃杯无法再被用作互相袭击的“致命武器”,可为英国节省数十亿的医疗开支。

8.He did not try to gloss over criticisms of his healthcare reforms and heavy spending on the banking bail-out.他没有试图掩饰招致批评的医保改革方案以及花费巨大的银行救助计划。

9.Those ambassadors must, prior to any other form of consumption, purchase food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and other such necessities.在进行其他消费之前,这些大使肯定会购买食品、衣物、住房、医疗和其他这类必需品。

10.Today in United States particularly, if you think about what is going on, I assume you watch on TV with the healthcare debate.今天尤其在美国,如果你想到最近发生了什么的话,我猜你们是通过电视观看医疗保险的辩论。