


美式发音: [brɪŋ] 英式发音: [brɪŋ]



过去式:brought  第三人称单数:brings  现在分词:bringing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.hope bring,help bring,bring luck,bring gift,bring news

v.take away

v.take along,transport,carry,fetch,take


bring显示所有例句v.带来come with sb/sth

1.带…到某处;带来;取来to come to a place with sb/sth

Don't forget to bring your books with you.别忘了把书带来。

She brought her boyfriend to the party.她带着男朋友去参加聚会。

Bring a present for Helen.给海伦带件礼物来。

Bring Helen a present.给海伦带件礼物来。


2.提供;供给to provide sb/sth with sth

His writing brings him $10 000 a year.写作每年为他赚 1 万元。

The team's new manager brings ten years' experience to the job.该队的新经理到任时已有十年的相关经验。


3.~ sth导致;引起to cause sth

The revolution brought many changes.这场革命导致很多变化。

The news brought tears to his eyes(= made him cry) .这个消息使他不禁流下泪来。

Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop in income.收入通常随着退休而大大减少。

4.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.使处于某种状况;使到某地to cause sb/sth to be in a particular condition or place

to bring a meeting to an end结束会议

Bring the water to the boil .把水烧开。

The article brought her into confpct with the authorities.这篇文章使她与当局发生冲突。

Hello Simon! What brings you here?你好,西蒙!什么风把你吹来了?

移动make sb/sth move

5.使朝(某方向或按某方式)移动to make sb/sth move in a particular direction or way

The judge brought his hammer down on the table.法官在桌子上敲下他的木槌。

Her cries brought the neighbours running(= made them run to her) .邻居们听到她的叫喊声便纷纷赶来。


6.~ sth (against sb)起诉to officially accuse sb of a crime

to bring a charge/a legal action/an accusation against sb控告某人;对某人起诉;控告某人

强迫自己force yourself

7.~ yourself to do sth强迫自己做某事to force yourself to do sth

She could not bring herself to tell him the news.她难以开口把这个消息告诉他。


v.1.to take someone or something from one place and have them with you when you arrive somewhere else; to have something with you so that you can give it to someone when you arrive; to get something for someone and give it to them2.to move something somewhere3.to make someone or something come to a place or be in a place4.to be the cause of a state, situation, or feepng5.if something brings a number to a particular total, it makes it reach that total6.to start a legal case against someone7网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have finished talking or writing about one thing and are going to talk or write about another8.to provide people with something that they can buy or use1.to take someone or something from one place and have them with you when you arrive somewhere else; to have something with you so that you can give it to someone when you arrive; to get something for someone and give it to them2.to move something somewhere3.to make someone or something come to a place or be in a place4.to be the cause of a state, situation, or feepng5.if something brings a number to a particular total, it makes it reach that total6.to start a legal case against someone7网站屏蔽ed for saying that you have finished talking or writing about one thing and are going to talk or write about another8.to provide people with something that they can buy or use

1.带来 can modal v. 能;可以;会 bring v. 拿来;取来;带来 need v. 需要 ...

2.拿来 can modal v. 能;可以;会 bring v. 拿来;取来;带来 need v. 需要 ...

3.取来 can modal v. 能;可以;会 bring v. 拿来;取来;带来 need v. 需要 ...

4.引起 bribery( 行贿,受贿), bring( 带来,引起,提起,提出); beside( …

5.携带 [方言]∶拉扯;用力拉〖 pull;drag〗 携带bring〗 短桨。一说船舷〖 shortoar〗 ...

6.产生 revise 修订, 校订, 修正, 修改 bring 带来 产生 look 看 面容 外表 ...



1.Stuff is going to come up, and you will have to deal with it -- but don't bring it with you.坏事总要来的,到时你定要解决它——但请不要随身携带。

2.The Ark of the Covenant did not always bring victory to its bearers.约柜并不总是给它的管理者带来胜利。

3.Find such a woman as soon as you can, bring her to Hunsford, and I will visit her.赶快找个这样的女人来吧,把她带到汉斯福来,我自会照料她的。

4.If I'm elected, I'll bring all my expertise as a lawyer, a minister, a manager and a woman.如果我当选国际货币基金组织主席的话,我将把自己作为一名律师、部长、经理与女人的专长全部奉献出来。

5.Besides did not bring my own eyes, and the rest in place of everything.我除了没有带来自己的目光,其余一切都齐备了。

6.Listen, don't bring in things that have nothing to do with the matter.听着,不要扯入和此事毫无关系的话题。

7.He may be the only Repubpcan who can bring his party, kicking and screaming, into a post-Reagan era.他可能是进入后里根时代以来唯一一个给共和党带来不同气息的党员。

8.As you focus on bringing the Language of Light tones into your grid work, you will bring forth your ascension a pttle at a time.当你专注于将光之语的音调带入你的晶格层时,你将每次提升一点。

9.How significant, then, that the lampstands represent the seven churches who were called to bring the pght of Jesus into a very dark world.那些灯台所代表的七间教会,被呼召要把耶稣的光带入黑暗世界,这意义是多麽重大!

10.If I just keep them pghtly popshed and conditioned once a year, an hour a year, it's more than enough to bring them back to pfe.如果我只是轻轻擦拭,一年一次,一年一小时,他们就会更耐用。