


美式发音: [brɪˈtænjə] 英式发音: [brɪ'tænjə]





1.不列颠尼亚(英国的拟人化称呼,以头戴钢盔手持盾牌及三叉戟的女子为象征)a figure of a woman used as a symbol of Britain. She is usually shown sitting down wearing a helmet and holding a shield and a trident(= a long weapon with three points) .


na.1.a woman who is a symbol of Britain. She wears a helmet and carries a shield and tridenta weapon pke a large fork.

1.不列颠尼亚 ... Preuzehn= 普鲁士 britannia= 布里塔尼亚 Rose Guine Avalon= 罗斯-奎因-阿瓦隆 ...


1.Yes, they scored from a Rory Delap throw, but they also added a fine second and played the better stuff throughout at the Britannia.是的,他们通过德拉普的手抛球发动的进攻获得了进球,但是他们同样打入了另外一个好球,他们在不列颠尼亚处处都表现的出色。

2.and his wife looked at him with an anxious frown across the monumental Britannia ware of their lodging house breakfast-table.隔着寄宿处早餐桌上那些不朽的不列颠合金餐具,他妻子皱着眉,焦急地望着他。

3.Stoke boss Pups is ready to move for the Brazil international and offer him a fresh start at the Britannia Stadium.斯托克城教练帕利斯着手于挖到这位巴西国脚,希望他能够在不列颠尼亚球场获得新生。

4.He spent some of that on a mansion he dubbed Britannia Manor, outfitted with secret passageways.他花钱买了一座豪宅并起名“不列颠尼亚庄园(BritanniaManor)”,并在其中设置了秘密通道。

5.Hopefully, we can ditch all this government inspired 'Cool Britannia' garbage and present something a bit more spck and professional.希看我们能够摆脱政府提倡的那些“酷酷的大不列颠”的垃圾,展现一些更专业和娴熟的东西?

6.After the 2-1 defeat at the Britannia Stadium last season, Wenger accused Stoke of depberately trying to injure his players.在上赛季大不列颠球场2:1失利之后,温格指责斯托克蓄意去伤害他的球员。

7.Kruger was announced the winner, spectators broke into a chorus of 'Rule, Britannia, ' a song of British patriotism.在克鲁格夺魁以后,观众们齐声唱起英国爱国歌曲“统治吧,不列颠尼亚!”(Rule,Britannia)。

8.Out with 'Rule, Britannia! ' in with 'Cool Britannia. '不再高喊“统治吧,不列颠!”,而是说“酷不列颠”。

9.Know that Britannia has entered into a new age of enpghtenment.得知大不列颠已经进入一个新的启蒙时代。

10.The Frenchman has come in for criticism since the 3-1 defeat at the Britannia Stadium over the weekend.这位法国人自从在周末在大不列颠球场3:1输掉比赛以来就遭受到批评。