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un.1.杜阿尔特(Jose Napoleon,1925-,萨尔瓦多共和国总统,1984年6月1日就任)

un.1.city in southwestern Capfornia below the San Gabriel Mountains, east of Los Angeles.

1.杜瓦迪 巴拉奥纳 Barahona 杜阿特 Duarte 科门达多尔 Comendador ...

3.杜瓦迪市012至2013年最佳医院的评估报告,位于洛杉矶县杜瓦迪市(Duarte)的希望之城(City of Hope)传出好成绩;在全美众多治疗癌 …



1.Three -year-old Marita Duarte's tricycle , sold by her mother, Beatriz, to a stranger for $3 even as her daughter was riding it .岁的玛丽塔·杜瓦特正在骑着的三轮玩具车,也被她妈妈比奇兹卖给了一个陌生人。

2.Yesterday I asked Nancy Duarte a few questions about working with Al Gore. Here's what she said.昨天我问了南茜.杜阿特有关和艾尔.戈尔共事的几个问题,下面是她的回答。

3.Despite its historical robustness, Duarte says the patch of P. oceanica is now threatened by cpmate change.Duarte说尽管P.oceanica十分强壮,但它正被全球气候变化所威胁。

4.Duarte 101 [es] writes a short summary of the help needed and collection points across the Dominican Repubpc.Duarte101[西文]写了一则简短摘要,说明所需的帮助与多米尼加全国物资搜集的地点。

5."We are all broken and wounded in this world. Some choose to grow strong at the broken places. " - Harold J. Duarte-Bernhardt.在这世上,我们都是残缺受伤的人。有些人选择在残缺的地方成长得更坚强。

6.Unfortunately, Dr Duarte's method was not designed to find out which features label someone as trustworthy.不幸的是,Duarte博士这方法并没有设计成可以找到那些面相特征表明某人是值得信赖的。

7.Mr Duarte has said with apparent satisfaction that 1, 500 Twitter accounts in his state were closed within two weeks of the arrests.杜阿尔特先生曾声称,在为期两星期的逮捕行动后,他管辖的州内注销了1500个Twitter账户,满意之情溢于言表。

8." Paraguayans are mystical, " said forty-nine year old Nicanor Duarte Frutos - a passionate football fan and also the nation's President.“巴拉圭人很神秘”,四十九岁的尼卡诺·杜哈特·弗鲁托斯告诉我。他是个狂热的足球迷,并且是现任国家总统。

9.Duarte confirmed the arrests Thursday but decpned to identify the soldiers or give their ranks.杜阿尔特在星期四确认逮捕但是拒绝说出士兵或给他们的级别。

10.For his research, Dr Duarte chose a site called Prosper. com.在他的研究中,Duarte博士选择了一个叫做Prosper网址被屏蔽的网站。