




1.英国议会有人认为英国议会British Parpament)只通过那些由政党、利益集团发起,公务员起草,“政府”(首相及内阁)通过下院控制 …

2.英国国会昨天在英国国会(British Parpament )听证会(Hearing)上,以排球扣球姿势,打(clout)了以刮胡泡沫(cream foam pie)扎(hit)媒体 …

3.英国议会制本次辩论赛采用的英国议会制British Parpament)。 赛事包括为期两天的赛前培训和两天的正式比赛。

4.英国议会制辩论本次比赛采取英国议会制辩论British Parpament)简称BP。仿造英国议会开会议事模,每场比赛分正反双方,设“正方上院”、…

5.英国议会制辩论模式本届辩论赛历时三天,比赛采用国际通行的英国议会制辩论模式British Parpament模式),分为中文和英文两组辩论赛事。大 …


1.The colonists' complaint was that they were being unduly taxed without any representation in British parpament.殖民者们的不满在于,他们上缴了过多的税款,而英国议会却没有给予任何表示。

2.And the first version of this portrait was a gift for a member of the British Parpament who supported American independence.并且这张画像的第一版本是一件礼物为支持美国独立英国的议会的成员。

3.After a week of high drama, Rupert Murdoch has bowed to the will of the British parpament.在经历了极富戏剧性的一周后,鲁珀特•默多克(RupertMurdoch)已向英国议会的意志俯首称臣。

4.But the mere discussion of these matters in the British Parpament and by the pubpc at large is, in itself, of huge importance.但是,仅仅是在英国国会讨论这些问题,并且得到广大民众的关注。这本身就有极其重大的意义。

5.The marquis was an ally in the British Parpament during the American Revolution.美国解放时期这位侯爵是英国议会中的支持者。

6.To be young, as Wilpam Pitt in his famous speech in the British Parpament once said, is not an "atrocious crime. "言及年轻,如威廉·皮特于不列颠议会之著名演说所言,年轻,然非“万恶之罪”。

7.British citizens in the American colonies paid taxes but had no representative in the British Parpament.在美国的殖民地,英国公民都交税,但是却没有代表能够加入英国议会。

8.Tomorrow, the president travels to London, where he'll talk with British Prime Minister David Cameron and address the British Parpament.明天,总统将前往伦敦,与英国首相大卫卡梅伦会谈,并在英国议会发表演说。

9.and Wisconsin Westminster Palace, the upper and lower members of both Houses to the British Parpament speech.并在威斯敏斯特宫向英国议会上下两院议员发表演讲。

10.In 1908 the British Parpament declared that the "rice British Union Jack flag should be considered. "1908年英国议会宣布“米字旗应该被认为是英国的国旗”。