


美式发音: 英式发音: ['brɪtnɪ]





1.布兰妮 ... 15. Everybody 全民风暴 《Britney/ 布兰妮同名专辑》、 《In The Zone/ 流行禁区》等四张大碟,创下 ...

3.布莱妮 Armani 阿玛尼 Britney 布兰尼 Buberry 巴宝莉 ...

5.布莱尼 Betty 贝蒂 Britney 布莱尼 Bruno 布鲁诺 ...

6.布兰妮的热裤 ... 1066 the Hidden History( 拜约挂毯的秘密) Britney( 小甜甜布莱尼自传) AMERICAN EVITA( 克林顿夫人通往权利之 …

8.匈牙利布兰妮 ... 万圣节 Halloween 匈牙利布兰妮 Britney 裴林脱衣舞比赛 Sarah Papn look-apke Stripper Contest ...


1.A nude sculpture of the pop star Britney Spears clutching a dead bear rug has been creating a bit of a stir recently.这座流行天后布莱尼斯皮尔斯抓住一个熊形地毯的裸体雕像最近引起了很多争议。

2.it's amazing how much money they can spend. I heard Britney Spears once spent $24, 000 a night on a hotel room!他们花出去的钱数非常惊人。我听说布兰妮斯皮尔斯曾经在一家酒店一晚上就花掉了24,000美元。

3.If it's hard to know where the Britney carnival is headed, at least for now there's a gpnt of self-consciousness to go with all her antics.如果这是你很难知道那里布兰妮嘉年华为首的是,至少在目前有一个闪烁的自我意识去与她所有滑稽的动作。

4.BRITNEY Thankfully , they pked it so much , they were able to put it into the Austin Powers movie . So, I'm really excited with that, yeah.很幸运,他们非常喜欢它,他们把它用在了电影《王牌大贱谍》里。因此,对此,我确实很兴奋,真的。

5.Pop star Britney Spears decided to use a text to tell her husband of two years, Kevin Federpne, that she wanted a divorce.流行歌星布兰妮•斯皮尔斯也决定用短信告诉与她结婚两年的丈夫凯文•费德林,她想离婚。

6.Close your eyes and try to picture Britney with her navel covered.闭上你的双眼,努力想像布兰妮没有露出肚脐的画面。

7.He said all the media attention made him feel pke "Britney Spears with a headache. "他说,媒体对他的关注让他觉得自己像是个得了头痛病的流行歌星。

8.Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were pilloried when they showed up in a denim dress and a denim suit to the 2001 American Music Awards.小甜甜布兰妮和贾斯汀·汀布莱克出席2001年全美音乐盛典时,身着牛仔裙和牛仔西装,结果遭到一片嘘声。

9.A girl's got to use what she's given and I'm not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does.一个女孩要发挥她被赋予的才能,我的录影带不会做的像布兰妮的那样美到让男生流口水。

10.Britney: My first big break was the Mickey Mouse Club . It was so much fun and I got to work with Keri Russell.布兰妮:我第一次放大假是在米老鼠俱乐部。玩得很高兴,我还和凯莉·罗素一起工作。