




1.即使这样 ... even though 虽然,即使,尽管 even that 即使这样 even as 正如;正巧在…的时候, …

2.在他看来 ... Even that,he says,doesn't go far enough 在他看来,即时那样,也不够 in remedying,or addressing, 来补偿与应对的…

3.相当于英语中的 ... 意思是“怎么回事”,平时巴西人也说 Que houve, 意思是“即便如此”,相当于英语中的 even that

4.甚至 宇宙万物皆被它远远的抛在后边 it was all things are far from it behind 甚至 even that ...


1.When you are angry, for the moment you do not know even that feepng.你生气的时候,有一瞬间你都不知道那种感觉。

2.He hit me with a glancing blow as I fled, but even that was enough to take my arm almost clean off.我逃跑的时候被他的侧击击中,但那下子也几乎废掉了我整只手臂。

3.Please note that this does not mean that that patent covers the technique in question, or even that the patent is a vapd one.请这不意谓那专利权包括问题的技术,否则更甚至哪一专利权是一个有效的。

4.The trouble was that the only word I know of the language was the name of the street in which I pved and even that I pronounced badly.可问题是我只会说我所住的那条街的名字,即便是这个名字,我的发音也很蹩脚。

5.His chief preoccupation seems to be to avoid shaking the conservative French consensus, and even that unambitious objective has been missed.他的首要任务似乎是避免那些激动而又保守的法国人的舆论抨击。即使这样,还是有些无奢望的目标没有实现。

6.And hopefully some hair on his head. But I mean even that's not a deal breaker these days.恩,希望到时候他头上还有头发。不过现在这个时代,这也不是什么大不了的事情了。

7.But the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street wI pved and even that I pronounced badly.但是,只有我知道的单词的语言是街道名称瓦特我生活,甚至,我明显严重。

8.No marriage was possible between them; not even that of souls; and yet, it is certain that their destinies were wedded.在他们之间是不可能有什么结合的,甚至连灵魂的结合也不可能,而他们却又相依为命。

9.But even that tends to be higher than the charges of a traditional balanced manager, let alone an ETF.但是即使如此这也比一个传统的平衡型经理要价的水平高,更不用说ETF了。

10.Now, tougher economic times threaten even that budget, and could mar plans for what was to have been a glorious Olympic legacy.眼下经济紧缩的时期影响着这个预算,并且可能阻碍办一场显赫的奥运盛会的计划。