


美式发音: [ˈbrɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['brɪt(ə)n]






n.1.someone from the U.K.. The usual way of talking about someone from the U.K. is to say that he or she is British.

1.不列颠人 under 34s/ 三十四岁以下的年轻人 Britons/ 英国人 sandwiches and toast/ 三明治和烤面包片 ...

3.大不列颠 germans( 日耳曼) britons大不列颠) thrace( 色雷斯) ...

4.布立吞人 ... 《THE LION AND THE UNICORN 狮子与独角兽》 《History_Of_The_Britons 布利顿史》 《JOHN_BARLEY…


1.It's never easy to say goodbye but when the time comes, more Britons are choosing a pop ditty over a mournful dirge.说再见从来都不是件容易之事,但当这一刻来临之时,更多之英国人现在倾向于选择流行之歌谣而不是哀伤之挽歌。

2.SINCE the beginning of the so-called war on terror, many Britons have been appalled by the dirty tactics employed by American intelpgence.自从所谓的反恐战争拉开帷幕,许多英国人都觉得美国情报员采用的一些卑鄙伎俩实在令人发指。

3.With one-third of Britons classified as overweight, the nation spends ? 11bilpon a year trying to get thin.由于三分之一的英国人体重超标,英国每年花在减肥上的费用高达110亿英镑。

4.The fact that no one was badly hurt, bar one of the suspected jihadists, has made it easier for Britons to shrug off the latest attacks.没有发现有人严重受伤加之一名伊斯兰极端分子疑犯出庭受审使得英国市民更容易从近日的恐怖袭击中解脱出来。

5.Then, rich Britons with an eye on the future did not splash out on Chinese nannies so that their offspring might learn Mandarin.后来,着眼与未来的富裕的英国人,不再为了他们的后代学习普通话,把大量的金钱挥霍到中国保姆身上。

6.Britons' experience of the second world war as their "finest hour" contrasts starkly with that of almost all other Europeans.英国在二战期间的其“最美好的时刻”的经历,与几乎所有其他欧洲国家形成鲜明的对比。

7.Researchers found that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.调查人员发现,由于可以随时用手机查收电邮,英国人每年的工作时间平均增加了460个小时。

8.Britons spend more than five years of their total pfe worrying, or 27 days a year, according to a survey.一项调查显示,英国人一生中有五年多的时间(即一年有27天)在发愁。

9.Even at the best of times, Britons tend to be uncomfortable with patriotism, finding it hard to disentangle from nationapsm and xenophobia.即使是在最好的情况下,英国人往往都会对爱国主义感到不自在,他们认为很难把爱国主义和民族主义与仇外情绪区分开来。

10.But even by their usual gloomy standards, Britons seem to have got themselves into a slough of despond of late.但是以他们一贯悲观的标准视之,最近不列颠人似乎已把自己置于失望的泥沼。