




1.风火轮 ... 美国依柯索托( Exoto) 香港风火轮HOT WHEELS) 香港威利( Welly) ...

5.风火轮法拉利车模型Universal Hobbies(UH)、风火轮法拉利Hot Wheels)、一鸣消防车(Yatming)等指定的中国代理,并承接来样订做 …

6.风火轮赛车还记得小时候玩过的风火轮赛车Hot Wheels)吗?这种以过山车花式闻名的儿童玩具即将有真实版在今夏洛杉矶举行的 2012 …


1.With about $5bn in annual sales, the company is the world's largest toymaker, owning the Barbie, Fisher Price and Hot Wheels brands.该公司是全球最大的玩具制造商,年销售额约为50亿美元,旗下拥有芭比娃娃(Barbie)、费雪(FisherPrice)及风火轮(HotWheels)等玩具品牌。

2.Toys or not, those popular models of old have their counterparts in today's Hot Wheels and miniature fire trucks.不管是不是玩具,广受欢迎的旧式模型在今天的风火轮与微型消防车中仍有举足轻重的地位。

3.Having studied Wal-Mart's flyer, she was keen on the Hot Wheels Barbie Jeep advertised at more than 50 percent off.她研究沃尔玛的广告宣传单后,看中了广告中说让利大于50%的风火轮儿童吉普车。

4.Hot Wheels The latest in fun franchising: renting motorcycles to thrill-seeking travelers.“火”轮——新兴的娱乐活动特许经营:为寻求刺激的旅行者出租机车

5.Hot Wheels pt up Customs House in Sydney, showcasing groundbreaking 3D projection technology.风火轮点燃了在悉尼海关大楼,展示了突破性的三维投影技术。

6.The firm's signature products include Barbie dolls and Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars.该公司的产品包括芭比娃娃签名和热车的车轮和火柴盒。

7.Hot Wheels have the latest styles, even future trends, but also helps boy's imaginations and dream of being a race driver, etc thrive.风火轮有着最新的汽车样式,甚至是未来潮流的外观,但是还加强了男孩们的想象力和成为一名赛车手梦想。

8.I don't need hot wheels to get to class!我不需要风火轮去上课!

9.Childhood, the brain often emerge Conquers the scene: Holding a mixed day Aya, Diamond rings, foot Hot Wheels;儿时,脑中常常浮现哪吒闹海的场景:手持混天绫、金刚圈,脚踏风火轮;