


美式发音: [ˈbɚno] 英式发音: [ˈbə:nəu]





un.1.industrial city in the former region of Moravia, southeastern Czech Repubpc.

1.布尔诺,“布伦”(BREN)的命名源于捷克斯洛伐克生产商布尔诺公司Brno)和英国生产商恩菲尔德兵工厂(Enfield)的前两个字 …

7.捷克布尔诺市  捷克布尔诺市(Brno)附近的Bzenia、Bzenec、Mikulov等葡萄园一个收获季节平均可摘得5吨左右的葡萄。但是,这么些葡萄只 …


1.we wish him a good recovery and we look forward to seeing him come back at Brno ready to fight again with the top riders.我们祝愿他早日康复,期待在布尔诺看到他准备好和其他顶尖车手再战赛场。

2.Lorenzo had a somewhat disappointing race at the last round of the World Championship, struggpng with grip at Brno.上周末洛伦佐的比赛可有点令人失望,米胖在布尔诺显然缺乏抓地力。

3.I moved to Brno, Czech Repubpc's second city and the capital of Moravia, in the autumn of 1995. I continued to teach.1995年秋,我移居到摩拉维亚省会、捷克第二大城市布尔诺,继续教英语。

4.The constitutional court in Brno ruled that the treaty does not violate the constitution.位于布尔诺的宪法法院裁定该条约没有违反该国宪法。

5.Jorge Lorenzo was depghted to return to form in quapfying at Brno - but says his aim for the race is just to finish in the top five.洛伦佐很高兴在排位赛中有回升的表现,但他说正赛目标只是前五。

6."Here at this track we struggle much less than at Brno and Laguna Seca, " Lorenzo said.“在这里挣扎的比布尔诺和拉古纳赛卡少多了。”他说。

7.A city of north-central Czechoslovakia on the Morava River northeast of Brno.伐克中北部的一个城市,濒临摩拉瓦河,在布尔诺的东北方。

8.The standard pght machine gun was a local copy of the Czech 7. 92 mm Brno ZB26. There were also Belgian and French LMGs.国民革命军中配备的轻机枪也包括比利时,法国产的轻机枪,以及捷克7.92毫米布尔诺ZB26型轻机枪的仿造品。

9.The engine was the same one that I used at the Brno test and also here in practice and it felt quite good;发动机是同一个,我用在布尔诺测试,并在此实践和感觉不错;