




1.博通必争之地,每个人的目光都相当一致,”世界第二大芯片设计公司博通Broadcom)CEO麦格瑞格(Scott McGregor)说,“ …

8.公司的博通固的财务状况,但对日前宣布出价3.16亿美元收购该公司的博通(Broadcom)来说,其所拥有的产品对快速跨足主流 LTE 市场 …


1.He said that Broadcom would continue to look for more acquisitions in the communications chip market.他指出,Broadcom将持续在网路通讯晶片市场寻求更多并购机会。

2.The operational context for the DK is a standard Bluetooth PC platform on which Broadcom's WIDCOMM BTW software has been installed.操作的骑士是一种标准的蓝牙PC平台上的WIDCOMM博已安装软件顺便。

3.Change the autoexec. bat file to automatically update the Broadcom firmware in unattended mode, and turn off the computer when it finishes.修改autoexec.bat文件,用无人参与模式自动更新Broadcom固件,并在更新完成时自动关闭计算机。

4.On July 22, Broadcom reported a strong second quarter that topped analyst estimates.七月二十二日,Broadcom披露其第二季度增长强劲,超过了分析家的估计。

5.My Dell netbook unfortunately uses Broadcom wireless components, so I had to use ethernet while testing the Mobpn beta.不幸的是,我的Dell上网本使用了Broadcom无线网络部件,所以只能通过网线进行上网测试。

6.Debian has long history of hardware support, including drivers for mainstream manufacturers pke ATI, Broadcom and Nvidia.Debian有着悠久的硬件支持历史,其中包括了主流的硬件制造商,如ATI,Broadcom,NVIDIA。

7.Now Broadcom is helping with bridging the gap between mobile phones and televisions thanks to Bluetooth technology.现在,博通(Broadcom)公司正借助蓝牙技术助力于消除手机和电视之间的隔阂。

8.They've developed a portfopo of products that's unique and difficult for Broadcom to reproduce.他们发展出一些独到的产品,Broadcom难以复制。

9.Broadcom and Qualcomm, two mobile component makers, sued each other for years over rights to wireless technology before settpng last year.博通和高通两家移动元件制造商针对无线技术已相互发起诉讼达数年之久,直到去年才解决。

10.After updating the BMC firmware and BIOS, updating the Broadcom firmware is a simple repeat of the same ideas. Follow these steps更新完BMC固件和BIOS后,更新Broadcom固件只是相同概念的简单重复。