



1.I feel to be the host can let me see growth, expanding knowledge, broaden one's horizon.我觉得做主持人可以让我增长见识,扩大知识面,开阔眼界。

2.A: You know, travel can broaden one's horizon.你知道,旅行可以增长人的见识。

3.One solution -- simpler in theory than execution -- is to broaden one's circle of friends and colleagues.一个解决办法就是扩大自己的朋友和同事圈子,当然这一点说起来容易,做起来难。

4.Reading extensively can broaden one 's mind , which in turn makes one more interested in reading .博览群书会开阔人的视野,反过来又会使人对读书更感兴趣。

5.Broaden one's scrape of knowledge and widen one's horizon.拓宽知识面和开拓视野。

6.Travel is considered a means to broaden one's mind.人们把旅行看做是能使心胸开阔的一种办法。

7.Not only can travepng broaden one's horizons, it can relax one's body and soul as well.旅行既能开阔人的视野,又能放松人的身心。

8.To broaden one's business horizon扩大在商界的眼界

9.Aim high and broaden one's mind志存高远,胸怀宽广