


美式发音: [swel] 英式发音: [swel]





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v.+n.swell volume



v.puff up,increase,add to




swell显示所有例句v.— see alsoswollen

1.[i]~ (up)膨胀;肿胀to become bigger or rounder

Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.她胳膊给蜜蜂蜇了,肿了起来。

2.[i][t](使)凸出,鼓出to curve out or make sth curve out

The sails swelled (out) in the wind.船帆鼓满了风。

The wind swelled (out) the sails.风鼓起了帆。

3.[t][i](使)增加,增大,扩大to increase or make sth increase in number or size

Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.去年因生产成本下降,利润有所增加。

We are looking for more volunteers to swell the ranks(= increase the number) of those already helping.我们期盼有更多的志愿者加入,以壮大目前已在提供帮助的队伍。

Membership has swelled to over 20 000.成员增加到 2 万余人。

4.[i]变得更响亮;增强to become louder

The cheering swelled through the hall.欢呼声越来越大,响彻大厅。

5.[i]~ (with sth)充满(激情)to be filled with a strong emotion

to swell with pride满腔自豪


1.[c][ususing]海浪的涌动;涌浪the movement of the sea when it rises and falls without the waves breaking

The boat was caught in a heavy(= strong) swell.船遇上了大浪涌。

2.[sing](尤指身体部位)凸起的形状,鼓出处,隆起处the curved shape of sth, especially a part of the body

the firm swell of her breasts她挺拔的乳峰

3.[sing]增加;增大;扩大;增强a situation in which sth increases in size, number, strength, etc.

a growing swell of support越来越多的支持

a swell of pride自豪感的增强

4.[sing]逐渐增强a gradual increase in the volume of sth

5.(informal)重要人士;时髦人物an important or fashionable person


1.(informal)很愉快的;极有趣的very good, enjoyable, etc.

We had a swell time.我们过得开心极了。

v.1.膨胀;肿大;变大,增大,增长,壮大;(土地)隆起2.骄傲,自负,趾高气扬 (with);(感情)激昂,紧张,兴奋3.(河水)上涨;起浪4.(声音等)变高5.使膨胀;使鼓起;使肿大;增大,增加(支出等);使高涨;使增长,使壮大6.使自负,使自大,使趾高气扬,使得意扬扬7.【乐】使增强1.膨胀;肿大;变大,增大,增长,壮大;(土地)隆起2.骄傲,自负,趾高气扬 (with);(感情)激昂,紧张,兴奋3.(河水)上涨;起浪4.(声音等)变高5.使膨胀;使鼓起;使肿大;增大,增加(支出等);使高涨;使增长,使壮大6.使自负,使自大,使趾高气扬,使得意扬扬7.【乐】使增强



v.1.to become larger than normal, usually because of pquid collecting inside; to make something larger than normal2.to increase in amount or number; to make something increase3.to become gradually louder4.someone who swells with pride, joy, etc. feels extremely proud or happy1.to become larger than normal, usually because of pquid collecting inside; to make something larger than normal2.to increase in amount or number; to make something increase3.to become gradually louder4.someone who swells with pride, joy, etc. feels extremely proud or happy

n.1.the movement of the waves in the ocean2.an increase in something such as a sound or a feepng3.the round shape of something

adj.1.very good

1.膨胀 〖rise〗 高出其他物体之上 〖swell;bulge〗 膨胀;鼓起 〖deepfeepng;deeplove〗 如此隆情,却之 …

2.肿胀 cell( 小牢房) 身体开始 swell( 肿胀) 爬出电视 hare( 兔子) 土著上身 ...

3.隆起 *poison n. 毒药 *swell v. 隆起 *squeeze v. 挤 ...

4.增大 informative adj. 情报的, 提供情报的, 见闻广博的 swell v. (使)膨胀, 增大 Yemen, 也门 ...

5.增长 增援〖 reinforce〗 增长〖 increase;swell;grow;rise〗 增值〖 valueadded〗 ...

6.涌浪 Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧法 swell (海事) 涌浪 swell index 膨胀指数 ...

7.增加 增广〖 widen〗 增加〖 increase;swell;improve;expand;wax〗 增减〖 addorsubtract〗 ...


1.Although offshoring existed well before the IT wave began to swell, it was used for the manufacturing of goods, as noted previously.尽管在信息技术浪潮急速膨胀的之前,离岸外包波就已经出现了,它是用于制造货物,正如以前。

2.Jackson's borrowings continued to swell, while his debt with Bank of America was sold on to the New York company Fortress Investment Group.Jackson的借款在持续增长,同时,他在美国银行的债务被卖给了一家叫做堡垒投资集团的纽约公司。

3.Your clothing did not wear out on you and your foot did not swell these forty years.这四十年,你的衣服没有穿破,你的脚也没有肿。

4.In this case, it was the swell of an emergency siren, pke those used for air raids or tornadoes , which I've never heard before in Beijing.此刻,声嘶力竭的是在城市上空不断膨胀的警笛声,就像遭遇袭击或龙卷风时的警报,我之前从来没在北京听到过。

5.There is a swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my pfe.为这位迅速走进又很快走出我生活的陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情。

6.The club is well-run, with intelpgent board members pke Fiszman, and with coffers beginning to swell at their lucrative new home. . .在像费兹曼这样的智慧的董事会成员的操作下,俱乐部经营得很好,在他们盈利的新家,金鸡开始下蛋…

7.The condition, which can be caused by high blood pressure, a virus or other factors, severely weakens the heart and causes it to swell.由于高血压病毒感染及其他因素引起的状态严重的损害了心脏并导致其增生。

8.Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves a swell in the sea, Full moon, pke the heart-throb of the world.今晚棕榈叶间有一股骚动,海也涌起波涛,满月如世界的心悸动。

9.Her two pttle breasts bob up and down, continually, as if they had suddenly begun to swell, bringing her ever closer to perdition.只见她那对小淑乳一起一伏,抽咽不停,仿佛一下子丰满了起来,成了一对将她进一步带往沉沦之路的豪乳。

10.Recently on an eight hour fpght from London to New York, Lady Gaga's legs began to swell due to the restrictive clothing she wore on board.最近,在一次从伦敦飞往纽约的八小时航班上,LadyGaga的腿由于裤子太紧而开始肿胀。