




1.布朗森 ... Pearl: 珍珠: Bronson: 布朗逊: Fairfax: 斐法斯: ...

3.片名 ... 乔纳森·菲利普斯 Jonathan Philpps ◎片 名 Bronson ◎导 演 尼古拉斯·温丁·雷弗恩 Nicolas Winding Refn ...

4.布朗松了一个名字不详\但拥有200亿美元的电脑大享,其原型不言而喻。20世纪福克斯公司选择了布罗森bronson)的一部硅谷题材 …

6.浏览布朗森» 通过邮编浏览布朗森(Bronson)黄页1.Washington A M 2.Munson Shirley 3.Barrow J C 4.Robinson A 5.Belanger Wilpam H 6.…

7.布朗森路  地点: 喷泉大道(Fountain Ave)的一辆有轨电车上,靠近喷泉路(Fountain)和布朗森路(Bronson)  34. 街头卫士Street Keepers   时 …


1."Oh, no, " answered Mrs. Bronson, a trifle abruptly, I thought, AS though she did not want to discuss the matter“噢,不,”布朗森夫人回答时口气有些生硬,我看她似乎不愿谈论此事。

2.Charles Bronson fights a one-man war on crime by standing in dark alleys, waiting to be mugged, then shooting the muggers.查尔斯布朗森(CharlesBronson)孤身站在黑暗的街巷等待被劫,接着射杀劫匪,独自一人进行着打击罪犯的战争。

3.Bronson Alcott's radically progressive ideas regarding the education of children are being rediscovered and finally appreciated today.布朗森•奥尔科特关于儿童教育的激进思想,现在又开始被发掘并且得到推崇。

4.Wilpam Bronson came to see me yesterday.昨天威廉·布朗森来看我。

5.With each viewing, we cried at the end when the Mexican kids buried Charles Bronson--who, as it turned out, wasn't Iranian either.每次电影快结束的时候,我们哭着观看那些墨西哥小孩埋葬查尔斯·勃朗森--结果他也不是伊朗人。

6.Po Bronson, in his book WHY DO I LOVE THESE PEOPLE? (Random House, 2005), tells a true story about a magnificent elm tree.坡·布朗森在他的著作《我为什么爱这些人》(兰登书屋2005年出版)中讲述了一棵大榆树的真实故事。

7.As Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman point out, we make two basic mistakes when it comes to teaching kids about race.正如PoBronson和AshleyMerryman指出的那样,在提到教育孩子有关人种的知识时,我们犯了两个基本的错误。

8.Having grown up as a fighter, I vowed to find this man and evoke some Charles Bronson style justice.像一个战士一个成长,我发誓一定要找到那个人,并唤起了查尔斯.布兰森类型的正义感。

9.But the ETC Group's Bronson says the international moratorium sends a powerful message.但是ETC组织的布朗森说国际暂停声明是一个强硬而坚定的信号。

10.The charity is quick to point out Bronson's good intentions as a clear sign that a once violent man is changing his ways.该机构旋即指出,布朗森的善意清楚地表明一个过去喜欢诉诸暴力的人正在改变自己的行为方式。