


美式发音: [ˈɑn(ə)rəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɒnərəb(ə)l]








honorable— see alsohonour,honourable




adj.1.an honorable person is someone who deserves respect because they behave according to high moral standards; used for referring to deals or arrangements that deserve to be respected because they were made fairly; used for describing peoples actions when they are morally good

n.1.<AmE>Same as honourable

na.1.The variant of honourable

1.光荣的 → honor 尊敬,敬仰,光荣 → honorable 光荣的,可敬的 hon 词根表“光荣,尊敬” ...

2.可敬的 → honor 尊敬,敬仰,光荣 → honorable 光荣的,可敬的 hon 词根表“光荣,尊敬” ...

3.尊敬的 homeland n. 祖国 honorable a. 光荣的; 可尊敬的; 尊敬的 horizontal a. 水平的, 地平线 …

4.高尚的 ★mapcious adj. 恶毒的 ★honorable adj. 高尚的,可敬的 ★minoradj. 次要的,较小 …

5.荣誉的 honey 蜂蜜 honorable 光荣的,荣誉的 hook 钩,钩状物 ...


7.体面的 Graceful 优雅 Honorable 体面的 Illustrious 出色的 ...

8.值得尊敬的 hopeful 有希望的, honorable 值得尊敬的 harsh (苛刻的), ...


1.It had not been a week before having breakfast became an honorable, but daunting task.不到一个星期,吃早饭就变成了一项光荣而艰巨的任务;

2.She said She wanted to thank God again for entrusting Her with this honorable job and for letting Her know so many colorful people.她感谢上帝给她这个机会,委任她这份荣耀的工作,让她认识这么多彩多姿的人们。

3."The word 'please' is to beg, no honorable member in this place needs to beg any minister for anything, least of all an answer, " he said.“‘请’字带有恳求的意思,在这个地方,没有一个尊贵的议员需要就任何事恳求任何部长,更何况只是为了得到一个问题的答案。”刘易斯说。

4.This documentary film gives us a true and detailed description of the ordinary and honorable pfe of an old communist party member.这个记录片真实详尽地记录了一位老共产党员平凡而又光荣的一生。

5.Honorable members, There is no damage to marriage or to the concept of family in allowing two people of the same sex to get married.诸位贵宾,允许两个同性别的人结婚对于婚姻或家庭这个概念没有任何侵害;

6.Wu Hong was a great and respected leader, a good and honorable man in every sense. He was beloved by his co-workers and his friends.吴泓是一位伟大而受人尊敬的领导者,在各方面都是一个可敬的好人,深受其同事和朋友的爱戴。

7.He did not love his uncle, who was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.他不喜欢他的叔叔,因为他父亲正直可敬,而他叔叔卑鄙无耻。

8.And for that, it receives an honorable mention. So kids, don't try this at home or anywhere at all. This is Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts.为此,这个镜头非常值得提及。所以孩子们,绝不要在家中或任何地方尝试这样做。以下就是成龙的十大特技。

9.Your father was an honorable man. Everybody who has known him must feel great loss caused by his death.你父亲令人尊敬,每一个认识他的人都会把他的去世视为一大损失。

10.Despite its habit of producing heroes, the history of the Organa family had not always been honorable.尽管奥加纳家族盛产英雄,其历史却并非一贯荣耀。