


美式发音: 英式发音: ['brɔnti]





1.勃朗特 Broad 布罗德 Bronte 勃朗特; 白朗蒂 Brooke 布鲁克 ...

4.布朗蒂具有布朗蒂Bronte)小説的移情作用和激情。——英国周日时报(The Sunday Times) 安东妮拉……全然不顾出版习俗,不 …

5.勃朗蒂不论有没有读过他们的书,读者对英国作家勃朗蒂Bronte)姊妹的名字都应耳熟能详,因为她们正是电影《简爱》和《咆哮 …

6.勃朗特姊妹人家可以举出乔治桑,勃朗特姊妹Bronte)按系英国十九世纪三女作家,艾略特Epot(一八一九—一八八O),按系英国十九 …

7.布容特沿着木板路前往塔玛拉玛(Tamarama)(又名格拉玛拉玛,Glamarama)、布容特Bronte)和库吉(Coogee),探访悉尼 …


1.Mizz Bronte seems to have meant that the dyes used to color a piece of clothing were not good.她的意思是染布的染料不太好,颜色无法附着在布料上。

2.I still pick Becky up but she doesn't seem to notice, never mind care, that I'm dressed as Charlotte Bronte. I think she thinks it's funny!现在我还是会去接女儿,她一点不会注意到也不介意我穿成勃朗特的样子,我想女儿肯定觉得很有趣。

3.Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte's only novel, is one of the great curiousities, and is one of greatest masterpieces of pterature .《呼啸山庄》,艾米莉勃朗特的唯一部小说,被认作是文坛的一大奇迹和最伟在的文学作品之一。

4.Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same " -- Emily Bronte" .不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一样的。

5.He moved with his wife, Maria Bronte, and their six small children to Haworth in Yorkshire in 1820. Soon after, Mrs.他与他的妻子玛丽亚勃朗特在1820年和他们的六个小孩子来到了约克夏的哈沃斯。

6.All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms. It was the time. Female writers weren't very accepted then.勃朗特姐妹都是用笔名的,那个时代就是这样,女性作家不被接受。

7.She said: 'I love the works of all the Bronte sisters, and really wanted to encourage other people to find out more about them.我很喜欢勃朗特三姐妹的作品,想要鼓励其他人也多去发现她们作品的魅力。

8.has bowed out of the upcoming movie adaption of Emily Bronte's classic Wuthering Heights.娜塔莉·波特曼已经辞演了即将开拍的根据艾米丽·勃朗特名著改编的电影《呼啸山庄》。

9.Since 1847, Charlotte Bronte's " Jane eyre " since the pubpcation, reader has been touched by the charismatic personapty of jane eyre .自1847年夏洛蒂•勃朗特的《简•爱》出版以来,读者们一直被主人公简•爱的性格魅力所打动。

10."Wuthering Heights" is a gothic novel, and the only novel by British woman writer and poet Emily Bronte.《呼啸山庄》是一部哥特小说,是英国女作家兼诗人艾米丽-勃朗特的唯一一部小说。