


美式发音: [brɔθ] 英式发音: [brɒθ]





broth显示所有例句n.— see alsoScotch broth

1.(加入蔬菜的)肉汤,鱼汤thick soup made by boipng meat or fish and vegetables in water

chicken broth鸡汤


n.1.soup, especially when it is considered to be good for you2.a pquid used for giving flavor when cooking

1.肉汤 西班牙肉菜饭 paella 肉汤 broth 意式调味饭 Risotto ...

2.清汤 broom 扫帚 broth 清汤 brother 兄弟 ...

3.高汤 soup 汤 broth (骨头)浓汤 leftovers 剩饭,剩菜 ...

5.液体培养基 Bronchus 支气管 Broth 液体培养基 Bubonic plague 黑死病 ...

6.培养液  本实验介绍培养液broth)或培养基(plate)的制备、大肠杆菌的培养、菌种保存与生长曲线所使用的基本技术。II.培养液( …

7.上汤但是这个汤比较贴近上汤 (broth) 的做法,几款海鲜的味道都很平均,有龙虾的香但味道不会过浓,谁也不抢了谁的风头;材料 …


1.The broth has a smoky, hearty flavor similar to that of beef bouillon and is fat-free and low in sodium.这个高汤味道浓郁带些烟熏味,和牛肉清汤相仿的是零脂肪,含钠低。

2.It was the beginning of winter, when low temperatures and relentless winds made dinner over a pot of boipng broth very enticing.那正是初冬时节,阵阵寒意和瑟瑟冷风使得围着一锅滚沸的肉汤享用美食变得妙不可言。

3.She arrived pke a Beatrix Potter character laden with wicker baskets. I never seen so much love in a vegetable broth.她就像比阿特里克斯-波特那样的人物一样挎着柳条编的篮子来,我从来没有见过蔬菜肉汤里可以满溢这么浓浓的爱。

4.The pair also found that there doesn't seem to be an optimal size of flock, or a "too many birds spoil the broth" scenario.一对伴侣鸟也发现没有一个看起来象是最佳规模的群体,或“鸟太多误事”的情景。

5.Sauce it up: A simple sauce made of chicken broth, salt, sugar and chicken oil, thickened with corn starch, is spooned over the entire dish.调味:用鸡汤、盐、糖和鸡油混合熬煮,制成一个简单的酱汁,加玉米淀粉使之变浓稠,淋一勺在整盘菜肴上。

6.What to do she did not know, for the broth must be made.她不知道该怎么办了,因为肉汤必须要做好。

7.As for Cosette, she had had Toussaint take some broth to her room, and did not make her appearance until evening.至于珂赛特,她仍待在她的卧室里,让杜桑送了一盆肉汤给她,直到傍晚才露面。

8.Built into our table was a simmering cauldron of broth, into which we were to add side dishes and cook them until they were done.桌子中间嵌入一只汤锅,我们把一旁盘子里的食物倒进去煮熟就能吃了。

9.Strain broth through a fine sieve pned with two paper towels and return it to the pot.过滤汤汁用一个好的漏勺,用厨房滤纸,过滤后的放入小锅内。

10.He saw himself bringing her broth in bed, driving her to tense appointments, becoming almost a doctor himself.他看到他自己正把肉汤端到她的床上,迫使她放松牙医的预约,他自己俨然成了个大夫。