


美式发音: [ˈdʒelət(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈdʒelətɪn]






na.1.The variant of gelatin

1.吉利丁 2、泡打粉 Baking Powder Poudre chimique 1、吉利丁 Gelatine 2、吉利 T Jelly …

2.明胶 塔塔粉 Cream of tartar 鱼胶粉 Gelatine 淮网 Portal ...

4.明胶粉 ... 可可粉 cocoa powder 110gr 吉利丁片 gelatine 16.5gr 葡萄糖浆 Glucose 62DE 250g ...

6.胶质 胶质 colloid 胶质 gelatine 胶质 glutrin ...

7.动物胶【动物胶】(Gelatine) 为胶原料之一,取之动物之皮和骨之胶质,多数用在冷冻西点之冻胶方面,室内温度即溶解。【洋菜】(A…


1.Under no circumstances may recipes be used for these two types of desserts which consists only of sugar, milk, colour and gelatine.在任何情况之下,都不可以只用糖、奶、色素和胶质制作这二类型的餐后甜点。

2.The microlens array was made of bichromate gelatine, exposed by coding gray tone mask and developed by protein enzyme solution.提出一种以重铬酸铵明胶作为记录材料,用编码灰阶掩模曝光,蛋白酶溶液作为显影剂制作折射型微透镜阵列的新方法。

3.food products . edible gelatine . determination of arsenic content . silver diethyldithiocarbamate colorimetric method.食用明胶。砷含量的测定。银二乙基氨荒酸盐比色法。

4.Remove from the heat, add the sponged gelatine and stir until thoroughly combined and the gelatine has melted.关火,加入海绵状的明胶粉,搅拌至完全均匀,明胶粉溶解。

5.Meanwhile, soak the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water until softened. Drain and squeeze out any excess pquid using your hands.同时把吉利丁片泡在冷水里,直到它们变软。用手挤出多余的水分。

6.Results The medicine dosage form cpnical use exists the improper service condition for the tablet, the gelatine capsule and the injection.结果药物剂型临床使用存在有片剂、胶囊剂和注射剂的不当使用情况。

7.Gelatine is one of raw material with the largest use, the most difficult performance and the most important role to make sensitive material.明胶是制备感光材料用量最大,性能最复杂的一种原料,在感光材料中发挥着重要作用。

8.Dissolve gelatine in hot water then stir into the above mixture. Whip cream until stiff and gently fold into the custard mixture.鱼胶粉溶于热水中,倒进以上材料中拌匀;鲜奶油打起,轻轻拌入奶油蛋羹中。

9.Most of the main brands of cider will have been fined for using gelatine.很多大品牌果酒都将因使用明胶而被罚款。

10.Food products. Edible gelatine. Determination of copper, lead, iron and zinc contents by atomic absorption spectrophomometry-.食用胶.原子吸收分光光度法测定铜、铅、铁和锌的含量