


美式发音: [ˈbraʊni] 英式发音: ['braʊni]






1.[c]巧克力方块蛋糕(有时放有坚果)a thick soft flat cake made with chocolate and sometimes nuts and served in small squares

a fudge brownie一块巧克力软糖糕

2.[pl]幼女童军(由 7 到 10 或 11 岁的女孩组成)a branch of the Scout Association for girls between the ages of seven and ten or eleven

to join the Brownies加入幼女童军

3.[c](一个)幼女童军a member of the Brownies


n.1.[Food]a type of flat chocolate cake, served in squares2.a member of the girl scouts of the united states of America, aged from six to eight years of age3.[Myth]a small sprite that does helpful works at night

1.布朗尼 松露巧克力慕斯 Truffles chocolate mousse 布朗尼 Brownie 坚果巧克力 Nuts Chocolate cake ...

2.核仁巧克力饼 杏仁饼干 macaroon 核仁巧克力饼 brownie 姜饼 gingersnap ...

3.布朗尼蛋糕 Barbegazi( 冰胡子) Brownie( 棕精灵,棕仙) Sea elf & Sea Wolf( 水隐,海妖) ...

5.巧克力布朗尼 Barbegazi( 冰胡子) Brownie棕精灵,棕仙) Sea elf & Sea Wolf( 水隐,海妖) ...


1.Woman: Well he's hoping to earn a few brownie points with the bosses. There's a new position opening up and I reckon he'll apply for it.我看哪,他是想在老板面前多表现挣一些品行分(印象分)呢。(因为)公司有一个新职位,他可能要准备申请。

2.Being able to say a few words in Chinese or to use chopsticks will earn you brownie points.能说一些个词用中文或使用筷子将赢得您果仁巧克力点。

3.Usually, it was the time for Grandma to call Brownie and me to bed. But now!这时候姥姥应该叫我和黄黄睡觉了,可是姥姥在哪里?

4.Then I saw brownie lying motionless in her den. I held her up in my arms and found she had lost much weight and looked very bony.我看见黄黄一动不动的躺在窝里,我抱起它,发现它比原来轻了好多,只剩了一把骨头。

5.Spotty had done more than simply led Brownie's human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found an.斯波蒂所做的远远不只是带领布朗尼的主人来到它被困的朋友跟前。在受伤的布朗尼周围,特德发现有一排狗食和餐桌上的。

6.Brownie also seemed to be wilpng to speak to me. But she did not have the strength to sound out.黄黄看着我,好像要跟我说什么,但它连叫的力气都没有了。

7.His twelve-dollar brownie sundae was placed before him in a white bowl set on a gold-rimmed plate.在他面前的镶金的盘子上放着的白碗里是一份12美元的布朗尼圣代。

8.Some of the vendors were amateurs there on a lark, to earn brownie bragging rights and a pttle spending money.一些卖者是热衷尝试的业余艺术家,来是为了赚到吹嘘巧克力饼的权力和一点点零用钱。

9.From the age of 12 when he was given a Box Brownie he wanted to be a photographer.牛顿在12岁时收到了一个布朗尼方盒照相机,那时他就想成为一名摄影师。

10.Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in a single minded quest to keep his friend apve by sacrificing his own comfort. Spotty had.斯波蒂一直定期来看望布朗尼,它不惜牺牲自已的舒适生活,一心一意要让它的朋友活下来。很显然,斯。