



美式发音: [bruz] 英式发音: [bruːz]




第三人称单数:bruises  现在分词:bruising  过去式:bruised  同义词


n.contusion,discoloration,black eye,shiner,welt




v.1.to cause a mark to appear on someones body by hitting or knocking it; if you bruise easily, marks appear on your body when you are hit or knocked without a lot of force2.to damage a piece of fruit and cause a soft brown area to appear on its surface; if fruit bruises easily, it can easily become damaged3.to harm someones reputation or confidence

n.1.a mark that you get on your body if you are hit or if you knock against something2.a mark on a piece of fruit that has been damaged

1.受伤 Red Dress 红色裙子 Bruised 受伤 Push The Button 按动按扭 ...

2.擦伤 Impulsivity: 冲动 Bruised擦伤;撞伤 Inevitable: 不可避免的 ...

3.伤痕累累 ... catastrophic 灾难性的 bruised 伤痕累累 tenterhooks 提心吊胆 ...

4.挫伤在学校常被同学过度热情的拥抱「抱」到肋骨痛,甚至「挫伤」(bruised),学校在去年就规定,同学之间禁止拥抱,而上周还 …

5.碰伤 ... * dishevelled: 衣冠不整的 *bruised: 碰伤,擦伤 * Jerk: 该死的家伙 ...

6.撞伤 Impulsivity: 冲动 Bruised: 擦伤;撞伤 Inevitable: 不可避免的 ...

7.受伤的 pft 解除 bruised 受伤的 ...

8.擦破皮 cellar bin 地窖仓。 bruised 擦破皮;擦伤。 spiked with stubble 被草头刺破。 ...


1.Despite the fact that she had her knee severely bruised . she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners.尽管她的膝盖严重擦伤,她还是赶上了大多数其他长跑者。

2.He knew that it had a circle of black where the rope had bruised it.他知道,脖子上的黑圈是绞索勒出来的瘀伤。

3.He looked away from Jack's jaw, bruised blue from the hard punch Ennis had thrown him on the last day.他的眼神从杰克的下巴移开,那里在最后一天被他一记重拳打得乌青。

4.I woke up the next morning aching and bruised - and quickly began to reapse just how demanding the sport was.第二天早上醒来的时候浑身疼痛青肿--然后我很快就开始意识到这项运动是多么苛刻。

5.She was a bit bruised and torn about by the time they flung her on to the pavement.他们把她推到人行道上来的时候,她身上还有点擦伤了,衣服有些地方也扯破了。

6.When he saw her, his face puckered and he began to cry, holding up a grubby bruised finger.他一看见她,就歪着脸举着一个受伤的指头哭起来了。

7."Britain isn't broken, it's just a bit bruised around the edges, " he told her.斯米特对她说:“英国并没有那种伤筋动骨的大伤,只是在边缘有一点点瘀伤。”

8."She's pretty badly injured; she's bruised and she's got at least one broken leg and maybe the other one as well, " Ms Larnach said.她伤的很重,她被埋在废墟里、至少有一条腿断了、也许另一只也断了。

9.When wicked men caused Jesus to be beaten and bruised, and nailed to a wooden cross, it should have been you and me.当那些恶人使耶稣遭受鞭打和折磨,并将他钉在十字架上的时候,那本该是你和我所当承受的。

10.Surgeon Henry, hurrying towards the victim, found to his surprise that she was only shocked and bruised.军医亨利连忙上前察看,不禁愕然。原来那个女人只是受了震惊,有些皮肉之伤。