


美式发音: [ˌbi es ˈi] 英式发音: [ˌbiː es ˈiː]

abbr.(=Bachelor of Science in Engineering)工学士


网络释义:疯牛病(bovine spongiform encephalopathy);狂牛症;狂牛病



1.牛海绵状脑病,疯牛病(全写为 bovine spongiform encephalopathy,导致牛死亡的脑病)the abbreviation forbovine spongiform encephalopathy (a brain disease of cows that causes death)

abbr.1.(=Bachelor of Science in Engineering)工学士2.(=Bachelor of Science in Education)教育学士3.(=bovine spongiform encephalopathy)“疯牛病”

abbr.1.(=Bachelor of Science in Engineering)2.(=Bachelor of Science in Education)3.(=bovine spongiform encephalopathy)

n.1.bovine spongiform encephalopathy: a serious disease in cows that affects the nervous system and causes death. Meat from cows that have BSE is bepeved to cause CJD in humans.

1.疯牛病(bovine spongiform encephalopathy) sppperya. 滑的, 光滑的, …

3.狂牛症自从狂牛症BSE)丑闻发生后,英国的有机色拉和蔬菜已改用再生资源做成的塑料容器包装出售。他们的口号是︰「有机食 …

4.狂牛病在狂牛病BSE)危机发生之前,疾病及预防措施弱点上之不确定性的重要性,在专家建议中并不受重视。专家所提供的建议 …

5.自我检查乳腺自我检查BSE)的临床研究试验结果显示,BSE仅提高良性肿瘤的检出率和活检率,并未提高乳腺癌早期诊断率,也不 …


1.The United States was one of the largest exporters of beef until the finding BSE in a cow in Washington State in 2003 .知道2003年在华盛顿发现疯牛病,美国是最大的牛肉出口国之一。

2.As Canada progresses toward the eradication of BSE, the periodic detection of a small number of cases is fully expected.由于加拿大在根除疯牛病方面取得的进步,少量病例的周期性发生已可以完全预测。

3.When the BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) scandal hit Europe in the 1990s, it led to a major overhaul of the system.当牛海绵状脑病丑闻在20世纪90年代袭击欧洲的时候,它导致了体系的大修。

4.All animals determined to have come into contact with the infected cow will be tested for BSE, Cpfford said.克利福德说,凡被确定与这头受感染的牛有过接触的所有动物都将接受BSE检测。

5.The final rule further protects animals and consumers against bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, also known as "mad cow disease" ).这最终的规定更进一步地保护动物和消费者,以抵抗牛绵状脑病(也称:疯牛病)的侵袭。

6.The first is to give a BSE image from an area that is defined by the scanning of the electron beam (EB) over the surface of the specimen.首先是给形象疯牛病从一个领域所定义的扫描电子束(电子束)的表面的样本。

7.The backscattered electron (BSE) signal in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) can be used in two different ways.的背散射电子(疯牛病)信号在扫描电子显微镜(SEM)可用于两种不同的方式。

8.The stock was the most traded among the major stocks on the BSE with a volume of 15. 3 milpon shares, about 10 times its 30-day average.该股是主要股票中交易量最大的股票,交易量为15.3亿美元,约10倍其30天的平均。

9.Regulation of rendering plants, which operate under CFIA permit, includes monitoring of the ruminant feed ban (BSE prevention).在加拿大食品检验署许可的条件下,规范饲养工厂,包括对禁止使用反刍饲料的监测(目的是预防疯牛病)

10.The risk of BSE in cattle less than 30 months of age is considered to be exceedingly low.对于小于30月龄的小牛感染疯牛病的风险被认为是非常小的。