


美式发音: [ˌnɔrθˈist] 英式发音: [ˌnɔː(r)θˈiːst]









n.1.the direction that is between north and east

adj.1.in the northeast, or facing toward the northeast

1.东北 northwest 西北 northeast 东北 east-southeast 东南偏东 ...

2.东北部 丢失的 lost 东北;东北部 northeast 东方(的) east ...

3.东北的 north n. 北方 northeast adj. 东北的 nose n. 鼻子 ...

4.东北方 north 北方 northeast 东北方 northeastern 东北方的 ...

5.位于东北的 north n. 北,北方 a.北方的 northeast n. 东北 a.位于东北的 northern a. 北方的,北部的 ...

6.东北地区 港澳地区 HKMacau.zip 东北地区 NorthEast.zip 华北地区 North.zip ...

7.东北区 华中区 Central China 东北区 Northeast 西北区 Northwest ...

8.东北方的 north n. 北,北方a.北方的,北部 northeast n. 东北 a.东北方的 northern a. 北方的,北部的 ...


1.The *automation junior at Northeast *Petroleum University has worked as a part-time tour guide for her university for three years.这位东北石油大学自动化专业的大三学生做校内兼职导游已有三年时间了。

2.The area, on Beijing's northeast side, contained two or three nearby compounds, and several other expat housing clusters a few miles north.这个地区位于北京东北部,附近有两三个小区,北边几英里的地方还有几个外国人居住区。

3.The February sales pace was undoubtedly depressed by harsh weather in the Northeast, and a rebound in March or April is possible.二月的房产销售无疑会受到东北部恶劣天气的影响,在3月或4月会有所反弹。

4."I've received an impression from a tree about two or three miles northeast of here, " he said.我从距离两到三英里、东北方向的地方的一棵树那儿获取到一个意念。

5.Not for a while, I went to the northeast part of this Mosuqe. I found a quiet place against the sun.不一会呢,我就跑到清真寺的东北方去了,那是顶着烈日的一片小宁静。

6.People began the clean up in the Northeast after nearly a week rain left many areas flooded.东北近一个星期的大雨使许多地区淹水之后,人们开始清理。

7.All day long the sound of hepcopters filled the air as they ferried up and down the northeast coast. At ground levels progress was slower.在东北部海岸,直升机的声音一整天在空中回荡,在地面上的进展非常缓慢。

8.The ship is wrecked off an unknown island near the northeast coast of South America. Crusoe is the only survivor.他们的船在南美洲东北海岸一个不知名的岛屿附近失事,鲁滨逊是唯一的幸存者。

9.Soon a number of missionaries, soldiers and merchants began to fan out toward the outlying regions of the European orth and northeast.不久之后,一些传教士,士兵和商人开始涌向欧洲北韩的边远地区和东北地区。

10.Prime Minister al-Mapki says seven of Zarqawi's associates died with him in a "safe house" near Baquba, northeast of the capital.马利基总理说,扎卡维在巴格达东北的巴古拜附近的一个“藏身之地”和他的七名同夥一起被炸死。