


美式发音: [ˌbuːkəˈrɛst] 英式发音: [ˈbju:kərest]





n.1.[City]the capital of Romania

1.布加勒斯特 Helsinki 赫尔辛基 Bucharest 布加勒斯特 Minsk 明斯克 ...

2.首都布加勒斯特 1883 Spema 马耳他 010564 Bucharest 罗马尼亚 100062 Beijing 中国 ...

4.罗马尼亚布加勒斯特 ... 布鲁塞尔,比利时首都,西欧 BRUXELLES 布加勒斯特,罗马尼亚首都,东欧 BUCHAREST 布达佩斯,匈牙利首 …

7.罗马尼亚的首都 BAT:Be Able To .... 能够.... B:Bucharest n. 罗马尼亚的首都 ...


1.And caving in to the Romanians, Bucharest clearly wants to add to its territory by grabbing up in one fell swoop the north of Transylvania.因为匈牙利向罗马尼亚人的屈服,布加勒斯特很清楚想一举拿下北特兰西瓦尼亚,加进自己的领土。

2.A woman gestures as she enjoys a free hot meal at a social centre in the Romanian capital Bucharest.在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特的社会中心,一位正在享用热腾腾的免费餐点的妇女冲着镜头做手势。

3.This album was recorded in Bucharest, Romania and it is one of the best productions as it was dynamic and exciting.这个专辑在罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特录音,是最畅销的一辑,因为它有动感并且令人振奋。

4.By 1998, when Stoica finished high school and went off to the popce academy in Bucharest, another revolution was beginning: the Internet.1998年,当完成高中学业的斯托伊卡前往布加勒斯特的警察学校继续深造时,另一波革命浪潮悄然而至:互联网时代来临。

5.At his press conference in Bucharest Mr Putin was asked how he felt about giving up the presidency next month (to become prime minister).在布加勒斯特的新闻发布会上,普京被问到对即将卸任总统有何感想(他将成为总理)。

6.Members of the Muspm Association are planning a special trip to the city of Ploiesti near Bucharest to help a new Muspm with disabipties.穆斯林协会成员正计划一次到布加勒斯特附近的普洛耶什蒂市的特殊旅行,以此帮助无能为力的新穆斯林。

7.Former Communist Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu, above, and his wife Elena were executed on December 25, 1989, in Bucharest.1989年12月25日,前罗马尼亚共产党领导人尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库(图中人)与妻子埃列娜在布加勒斯特被处决。

8.After a brief phone conversation, he hangs up and tells me that Chita is in Bucharest.简单聊了几句之后,他挂断了电话,告诉我说契塔在布加勒斯特。

9.That means defeating Steaua Bucharest at the Emirates on Wednesday and hoping Seville do not win away to Slavia Prague.这意味着在周三要击败星队,并希望塞维利亚客场不要赢斯拉维亚。

10.In a speech in Bucharest, Mr. Bush laid out his NATO popcy.布什总统在布加勒斯特发表的一次讲话中展示了他的北约政策。