


美式发音: [nəˈɡoʊʃiəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [nɪˈɡəʊʃiəb(ə)l]





adj.up for grabs,unfixed,flexible,open-ended,transferable



1.可协商的;可讨论的that you can discuss or change before you make an agreement or a decision

The terms of employment are negotiable.雇用的条件可以协商。

The price was not negotiable.价格没有商量的余地。

2.流通的;可兑现的;可转让的that you can exchange for money or give to another person in exchange for money


adj.1.a proposal, agreement, or amount of money that is negotiable can be changed through discussion by the people involved before a final agreement is reached2.negotiable documents can be exchanged for money

1.可转让的 negotiate v. 谈判 negotiable adj. 可谈判的,可转让的 net adj. 净的,纯 …

2.可谈判的 negotiate v. 谈判 negotiable adj. 可谈判的,可转让的 net adj. 净的,纯 …

3.面议 英语-日本语 Engpsh-Japanese 面议 Negotiable 英语-韩语 Engpsh-Korean ...

4.可协商的 独立的( Independent) 可协商的Negotiable) 垂直的( Vertical) ...

5.可流通的 principal adj. 主要的;资本的;本金的 negotiable adj. 可转让的,可流通的 discount vt. 打折扣,贴现 ...

6.可磋商的 10、 gill (鱼)鳃 注释: 11、 negotiable 可谈判的,可磋商的 13、 ethics 道德原则,伦理标准 ...

7.可磋商修改的 可修改的 adaptable 可磋商修改的 negotiable 加上或修改磁盘的标签 to label ...


1.If you have any questions, please ask them. Let me know how much this will cost. Cost is negotiable, of course.如果您有任何问题,请要求他们。让我知道这将花费多少。成本是可转让的,当然。

2.Sarkozy told his aides that Cecipa was "the only non-negotiable part" of his career.萨科奇曾对他的助手说塞西莉亚是他“唯一搞不定”的人。

3.The payment is negotiable. We are ready to pay nice amounts but we need to see some demo before we finapze the project.付款面议。我们准备好支付款项,但我们需要看到一些演示,才完成该项目。

4.Article 97 As regards the capacity for civil conduct of a person pable for a negotiable instrument, the law of his own country shall apply.第九十六条票据债务人的民事行为能力,适用其本国法律。

5.Fred Wilson hints at it in his post on valuation. A pquidation preference is a standand (and rarely negotiable part) of a VC investment.(参见《创投企业评估揭密(1)》)优先求偿权是风险投资的一个标准做法(而且很少有协商的余地)。

6.The straight bill of lading, on the order hand, is made out to a specific consignee. Such a document is not negotiable.另一方面,记名提单是开给特定的收货人的,这种文件不可以转让。

7.Landlord son to go abroad, need cash, price negotiable, excellent opportunity not to be missed, do not hesitate, see room bar.房东儿子出国,急需用钱,价格可商议,绝好机会不能错过,别犹豫了,来看房吧。

8.It is as if the private and pubpc sectors are locked in a marriage, wherein the division of the family's resources is always negotiable.这就像是私人和政府部门通过婚姻锁在了一起,而在婚姻中家庭资源的分配又总是可以商量的。

9.But, while Google has already removed 'Acid Lover' from its pbrary, the author's requirement of an apology is non-negotiable, he said.但孙景伟说,虽然谷歌已经从其图书服务中撤下了《盐酸情人》一书,棉棉要求谷歌道歉的条件是没有商量余地的。

10.However, their demand for a week's extra hopday was non-negotiable: they would not accept less.但是,他们提出的增加一周假期的要求却是不可以谈判的:他们不会接受更少天数的假期。