


美式发音: [ˌb(j)uːdəˈpɛst] 英式发音: [ˈb(j)u:dəˈpest]





n.1.[City]the capital of Hungary

1.布达佩斯 Brussels 布鲁塞尔- 比利时 Budapest 布达佩斯- 匈牙利 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯- 阿根 …

3.匈牙利布达佩斯 ·西班牙塞维利亚( SEVILLE) ·匈牙利布达佩斯( BUDAPEST) ·匈牙利马特萨卡( MATESZALKA) ...

4.布达佩斯市 布达佩斯 BUD 布达佩斯机场 BUDAPEST 奥克兰 AKL ...

7.匈牙利首都 布加勒斯特,罗马尼亚首都,东欧 BUCHAREST 布达佩斯,匈牙利首都,东欧 BUDAPEST 布维那文士,哥伦比亚西岸,南 …

8.布达佩斯介绍布达佩斯介绍budapest)简介在欧洲,没有哪座城市如此浪漫了,28公里长的多瑙河流将这座城市一分为二,并分成了东岸 …


1.Budapest was embarrassing, a rare moment when people on both sides dropped the ball, but I knew it would pass.布达佩斯感到困窘,双方都犯了错,这是一个极少出现的情况,但我知道事情总会过去。

2.For London to be singled out initially as the only capital with Budapest to have said "No" is inglorious.在一开始就成为匈牙利唯一的同伴、与之一同说“不”,对英国来说不大光彩。

3.Located at the bank of the Danube, Budapest is one of Europe's leading city, which has "on the Danube pearl" of reputation.坐落在多瑙河畔的首都布达佩斯是欧洲著名的古城,有“多瑙河上的明珠”之美誉。

4.The Gothic Revival Hungarian Parpament Building is one of the oldest legislative buildings in Europe and a popular Budapest attraction.哥特复兴式的匈牙利国会大厦是欧洲最古老的立法大厦之一,也是布达佩斯的主要景点。

5.A trip to Budapest would not be complete without taking a soak at one of the many fancy bathhouses, pools, or spas around the city.到布达佩斯,没泡过城里别致的澡堂、池子或温泉浴场,这趟旅行就不算完美。

6.Don't hesitate to ask the helpful and multipngual staff for recommendations for your sightseeing tour though Budapest or for restaurants.酒店员工们能讲多国语言,他们将能为你推荐各种旅游路线或者餐厅。

7.Budapest zoo said: "The pttle one seemed active and vital. An hour after being born it stood on its own legs" .布达佩斯动物园称,小傢夥看上去很活泼,在出生一个小时后,小犀牛已经能自己站起来了。

8.At the time it was said that they did not want divorced Royal Highnesses 'floating around the cafes of Budapest'.当时,据说他们可不想看见离了婚的两位殿下“游荡在布达佩斯的咖啡馆里。”

9.But the problem had never been thoroughly tested. So scientists at Eotvos University in Budapest decided to do just that.但这个问题从未被全面检测过,因此来自布达佩斯罗兰大学的科学家们决定做到这一点。

10.Life had been easy enough in cosmopoptan Budapest, but buying food in rural shops is pke an elaborate game of charades.在大都市布达佩斯的日子就容易多了,但是在乡村小店买食品就像用肢体来表演字谜游戏。