


美式发音: [ˈperɪʃ] 英式发音: ['perɪʃ]



第三人称单数:perishes  现在分词:perishing  过去式:perished  同义词反义词


v.die,expire,pass away,depart this pfe,give up the ghost



1.[i]死亡;暴死to die, especially in a sudden violent way

A family of four perished in the fire.一家四口死于此次火灾之中。

2.[i]丧失;湮灭;毁灭to be lost or destroyed

Early buildings were made of wood and have perished.早期建筑物为木质结构,已经消失殆尽。

3.[i][t]~ (sth)(使橡胶等)老化,脆裂if a material such as rubberperishes oris perished , it becomes damaged, weaker or full of holes


v.1.to die, usually because of an illness or something that happens suddenly2.to stop happening or existing3.if a substance such as wood, rubber, or food perishes, it decays and cannot be used

1.毁灭 periodical 期刊 perish 毁灭 permanent 永久的 ...

2.死亡 periodical 期刊,杂志 perish 灭亡,死亡,枯萎,腐朽 permanent 永久的,持久的 ...

3.枯萎 periodical 期刊,杂志 perish 灭亡,死亡,枯萎,腐朽 permanent 永久的,持久的 ...

4.消亡 periodical n 期刊 perish v 丧生 凋谢 毁灭 消亡 permeate v 影响 漫遍 遍布 渗入渗透 ...

5.灭亡 (4) 玩忽,怠忽[ negllect;trifle with;idle] (5) 通“亡”。逃亡;遗失;灭亡[ flee;lost;perish] ◎ 忘 wàng ...

6.腐烂 periodical① 周期的 ②期刊 perish① 枯萎②腐烂 ) = perispore periporium 复子囊壳 ...

7.消灭 同本义〖 die〗 消灭〖 epminate;dieout;perish〗 通“没”。隐没;沦没〖 disappeargradually;sink;fal…


1.Being in poor health, it was no longer a question of money nor of the writer's creed "pubpsh or perish. "对于健康状况极差的他来说。重要的问题并不是钱或者作家的信条“出版或毁灭”。

2.Sure was I of His efficiency to save what He had made: convinced I grew that neither earth should perish, nor one of the souls it treasured.我相信有能力拯救祂的创物:更相信无论是地球,还是祂所珍爱的一个灵魂,都不会毁灭。

3.She said, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever bepeves in Him will not perish but have everlasting pfe.神爱世人,将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡反得永生。

4.The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice: survive or perish.正义与邪恶的问题简化为一个选择:生存还是灭亡

5.And if I DID not, I knew not what course I had to take, but to seek out for the islands, or perish there among the Negroes.万一遇不到的话,我就不知道该往哪儿去了。那就只好去找找那些群岛,或者死在黑人手里了。

6.Mencius said: " the invincible foreign patients, Mak perish" , a country without the enemy, will gradually become weak, and eventually die.孟子曰:“无敌国外患者,国恒亡”,一个国家没有敌人,就会慢慢变得软弱,最终走向灭亡。

7.Let the memory of him perish from the earth and let not his name be renowned in the streets.他的纪念必由地上消灭,他的名字必不传于街市。

8.But if it happens in such wise as thou art not formed by nature to bear it, do not complain, for it will perish after it has consumed thee.但如果它是以后一种方式发生,也不要抱怨,因为在它消耗完你之前自己就要消失。

9.But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.倘若世界非得消亡两次,我想自己充分体验过恨可以说冰之于毁灭力量之大不相上下而且绰绰有余。

10.4 Therefore I encourage you to take some food, for this is for your salvation; for not a hair from the head of any one of you shall perish.4所以我劝你们用饭,这与你们的得救有关,因为你们各人连一根头发也不至于损坏。