




1.佛家 ... 31、道家 Taoist 32、佛家 Buddist 33、伤痕文学 the Hurt Generation ...

2.罗莎梦 朗斐 LANFE 罗莎梦 BUDDIST 天咨 TZ.mall ...

3.任平生 ... Tschuess( 掰掰) buddist( 任平生) woxinyijiu( 我心依旧) ...

4.大汉传奇 金猴 JINHO 大汉传奇 BUDDIST 史密斯文森 smithwesson ...

5.红豆 谷伊达 Guidar 红豆 BUDDIST 锐立凯 REELIKOO ...

6.不限 ... shark 鲨鱼 不限 BUDDIST 七匹狼 SEPTWOLVES ...

7.旗舰店 艾梵保罗 gxg.1978 BUDDIST 旗舰店 VEGOO 魅各箱包旗舰店 ...


1.And the Zen Buddist riddle: What is the sound of one hand clapping?还有禅宗佛教徒的一个谜题:一只手的拍手声是怎样的?。

2.This Buddist stone pillar has a history of 800 years.幢已有八百多年的历史。

3.Buddist changed me into a tree pving near the street you will pass The flowers are blooming vigriously to show the wishes of my ex-pfe佛于是把我化作一棵树长在你必经的路旁阳光下慎重地开满了花朵朵都是我前世的盼望

4.In our 200 class hours a week, a buddist course of "Zen and Buddhist meditation" is included,当然,在我们200个课时中,每周还包括一个小时的“禅与冥想”佛教课程,

5.A Group of White Marble Buddist Statues Collected in Dingzhou Municipal Museum定州市博物馆收藏的一批汉白玉佛造像

6.Investigation on the Buddist Nun in Mid- Tang Dynasty by Tombstone Scripts墓碑文中的中唐比丘尼初探

7.The pink crystal of buddist佛菩萨的粉水晶

8.The World of Buddist Doctrine in Lin Qingxian's Prose小议林清玄散文中的佛境