


美式发音: [bʌdʒ] 英式发音: [bʌdʒ]




第三人称单数:budges  现在分词:budging  过去式:budged  同义词




1.[i][t](使)轻微移动,挪动to move spghtly; to make sth/sb move spghtly

She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge.她推了推门,门却一动不动。

The dog refused to budge.狗不肯动弹。

I heaved with all my might but still couldn't budge it.我用尽全力也没把它拽动。

2.[i][t](使)改变主意,改变观点to change your opinion about sth; to make sb change their opinion

He won't budge an inch on the issue.在这一点上他丝毫不肯让步。

He was not to be budged on the issue.在这一点上他不会让步。



v.1.to move, or to move something, especially something that is very heavy or is stuck

1.让步 brushing adj . 疾驰的; 闪过的, 擦拭的 budge v. 移动, 让步 bulge n. / v. 膨胀, 突出 ...

2.移动 brutal adj. 野蛮的 budge v. 移动 budget n. 预算;v.做预算 ...

3.预算 package n. 一揽子交易 budge n. 预算 first-aid kit 急救箱 ...

4.改变意见 dump 倾倒 budge 改变意见 trump card 王牌 ...

5.微微一动 altercate 争论,口角 budge 移动,微微一动 bulge 胀,膨胀 ...

6.羔皮 buckshot structure 丸状结构 budge 羔皮 buffer capacity 缓冲力 ...

7.妥协 bucopc adj. 乡村的,牧羊的 budge v. 移动一点,妥协 bug n. 臭虫,窃听器 ...

8.推动 muss 使混乱 budge 推动 nudge 同时轻推 ...


1.He would not budge on the basic principle of 40 years of contributions, he said.萨科齐讲道,他对四十年的集纳期的基本原则将不会动摇。

2.Due to the tight budge, the company has to put the system upgrade plan on hold.由于财务状况吃紧,公司不得不暂缓实施系统升级计划。

3.Michael continues trying to pull down on the pipe, but it won't budge.Michael继续试图撬动那条管道,但是根本没用。

4.Over the years, the four islands between Japan and Russia refused to budge on the question of attribution.长期以来,日俄两国在四岛归属问题上互不让步。

5.The old man didn't budge. He was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus so he could get home before dark.老人身子没动,只是恳求售票员允许他乘这趟车,好赶在天黑之前到家,说这话时他差不多要流泪了。

6.No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud.不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那条老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望着我,嘴里咀嚼着从胃里吐出的东西。

7.Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more US troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it.布什总统和副总统迪克·切尼表示,无论议会怎样反对,他们都将对伊拉克增兵。

8.But there was no making the Cossacks budge when they had got booty and prisoners. No one heeded the word of command.但是,哥萨克们在缴获战利品和俘虏之后,就没法使他们向前推进,没有一个人听从命令。

9.Tyler was ready to compromise on the banking question, but Clay would not budge.泰勒打算以折中方式解决银行问题,但克雷丝毫不予让步。

10.Reagan could not get them to budge. He joked that he was simply "trying to negotiate for the right to negotiate. "里根也无法让双方改变态度。他开玩笑说,他只是简单地“试图谈判以获得谈判权。”