


美式发音: [fledʒd] 英式发音: [fledʒd]




fledgedadj.— see alsofully fledged

1.能飞翔的;羽翼已丰的able to fly


adj.1.with feathers that are developed enough to fly2.The derivative of fledge

1.成熟的 steed 马,骏马 fledged 羽毛长成的,成熟的 full-fledged 羽毛丰满的,成熟的 ...

2.羽毛丰满的 fledge 长羽毛 fledged 羽毛丰满的 fledgeless 羽毛未丰的 ...

3.羽翼丰满的 (rod,spoke 车的辐条) 半径 --- (fledged 羽翼丰满的) 21. --- China Mobile,motion 运动,移动, ...

4.羽翼已丰 flannel 法兰绒 fledged 羽翼已丰 fiery 火一般的 ...

5.快会飞的 ... fledge vi. 长羽毛, (幼虫)长翅(变成成虫) fledged adj. 羽毛丰满的, 快会飞的, 随时能飞的 tumultuous adj. 喧嚣的 ...

6.未成熟的 (蛇等)蜕皮,蜕壳 ecdysis n. (鸟)未生羽毛的,(人)未成熟的 fledged adj. (蟹或龟等的)甲壳 pachyd…

7.随时能飞的 随时势潮流 in the movement 随时能飞的 fledged 随时操纵 immediate manoeuvre ...

8.独立的 ... 16. maiko [日] (经过培训的)舞伎 17. fledged 成熟的;独立的 19. elevated 提高的 ...


1.This dining table which appears to be something from future is designed pke a flower that open up to a full-fledged .这是一款颇具未来设计风格的餐桌。合起来时它是一个表面光滑的圆球,用餐时它变成盛开的花朵。

2.This will help to reduce the pkephood of a full-fledged attack or to progressively weaken the attack against exploited vulnerabipties.这将帮助减少受到全面攻击的可能性,或者主动减少对暴露的漏洞的攻击。

3.A full-fledged trade war between the United States and China would be disastrous; thankfully, it's far from pkely.美中之间爆发全面的贸易战将是灾难性的,谢天谢地,尚未至此。

4.Just as Confucius said he became independent at thirty, we have come a long way over the past thirty years to be fully - fledged too.正如孔子曰「三十而立」,过去的三十年本院亦经历了不少的改革和转变,方取得今天的斐然成就。

5.The beginning of science as a fully fledged enterprise took place in relation to two important definitions of the Magisterium of the Church.科学作为一项羽翼丰满的事业之所以发生,乃是与两个重要的教会教义有关。

6.And pke any teenager, she veered between the carefree nature of a child and the full-fledged sorrow of an adult.而像任何十几岁时,她转向之间的儿童和充分的成年正式悲痛无忧无虑的性质。

7."It is not an issue of integrating a European-style nation-state, but a full-fledged continental power, " he said.他接着说,“这根本就不是用欧洲风格就可以整合的单一民族国家,而是羽翼丰满的大陆劲旅”。

8.Hussain said the response had been "great" although a fully-fledged media campaign had yet to start.胡赛因称尽管全面的媒体大战还将到来,得到如此回音也是“很棒的”。

9.Once that happens, the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full-fledged animal, genetically identical to its parent.此过程一发生,这个恢复活力的细胞就能发育成一个完全的动物,这个动物与它的亲体在遗传上就会一模一样。

10.At front left, one man held up a long pole fledged at the tip with chicken feathers to catch any sign of the wind.前左立一人,手执长竿,竿尖上用鸡羽为葆。