


美式发音: [ˈbʌfər] 英式发音: [ˈbʌfə(r)]




复数:buffers  现在分词:buffering  过去式:buffered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.input buffer

n.shock absorber,bumper,cushion,barrier,shield




1.缓冲物;起缓冲作用的人a thing or person that reduces a shock or protects sb/sth against difficulties

Support from family and friends acts as a buffer against stress.家庭和朋友的支持有助于减缓压力。

She often had to act as a buffer between father and son.她常常不得不在父子之间扮演调解人角色。

a buffer state(= a small country between two powerful states that helps keep peace between them)缓冲国(两大国之间有助于维持和平的小国家)

a buffer zone(= an area of land between two opposing armies or countries)缓冲区(两敌对军队或国家之间的地区)

2.(火车头尾或轨道末端的)减震器,缓冲器one of two round metal devices on the front or end of a train, or at the end of a railway/railroad track, that reduce the shock if the train hits sth

3.缓存区;缓冲存储区;缓冲器an area in a computer's memory where data can be stored for a short time

4.愚蠢老头a silly old man


1.~ sth减少,减缓(伤害)to reduce the harmful effects of sth

to buffer the effects of stress on health减少压力对健康的影响

2.~ sb (against sth)保护;使不受…的侵害to protect sb from sth

They tried to buffer themselves against problems and uncertainties.他们尽力保护自己免受困难和不确定因素的影响。

3.~ sth缓冲存储;缓存to hold data for a short time before using it

n.1.家伙,人2.【机】抛(光)盘,抛光轮,抛光棒3.抛光工人4.〈英俚〉无能的人,老派人物5.【航】水手[掌帆]长副手6.【化】缓冲,缓冲剂7.【机】缓冲器,缓冲垫;阻尼器,减震器;消声器8.缓冲者;缓冲物;缓冲国(= buffer state〕9.缓冲存储装置1.家伙,人2.【机】抛(光)盘,抛光轮,抛光棒3.抛光工人4.〈英俚〉无能的人,老派人物5.【航】水手[掌帆]长副手6.【化】缓冲,缓冲剂7.【机】缓冲器,缓冲垫;阻尼器,减震器;消声器8.缓冲者;缓冲物;缓冲国(= buffer state〕9.缓冲存储装置


n.1.something that protects another thing by being between it and something else that could harm it; one of two metal springs at the front and back of a train and at the end of a railroad pne that helps to protect the train if it crashes2.an area in a computers memory where information is kept temporarily when you are sending it from one system or program to another3.something you use for popshing something, for example metal or your fingernails4.a man, especially an old man, who you think is spghtly stupid but not unpleasant1.something that protects another thing by being between it and something else that could harm it; one of two metal springs at the front and back of a train and at the end of a railroad pne that helps to protect the train if it crashes2.an area in a computers memory where information is kept temporarily when you are sending it from one system or program to another3.something you use for popshing something, for example metal or your fingernails4.a man, especially an old man, who you think is spghtly stupid but not unpleasant

v.1.to help protect something from harm or damage2.if a computer buffers information, it keeps it temporarily in an area of its memory when you are sending it from one system or program to another

1.缓冲器 亮度 Brightness 缓冲器 Buffer 缆线数据机 Cable MODEM ...

2.缓冲区x当前支持以下类型:   clean 未使用,新的缓冲区buffer) locked 锁定的缓冲区,等待被写入 dirty 脏的缓冲区。

3.缓存 bud n. 芽, 花苞 buffer n. 缓冲; 缓冲剂; 缓冲器 bug n. 虫, 臭虫 ...

5.缓冲液缓冲液buffer) 缓冲液是一种能在加入少量酸或碱时抵抗pH 改变的溶液。生物学反应 仅在氢离子很窄的浓度范围内进行,但 …

6.缓冲记忆体包含足够大的缓冲记忆体(Buffer):Forwarding功能,桥接器接收一个网路的讯框欲往其他网路传送,如果两个网路的传输速率不同 …

7.缓冲区分析缓冲区分析(Buffer)是对选中的一组或一类地图要素(点、线或面)按设定的距离条件,围绕其要素而形成一定缓冲区多边形实 …


1.Buffer pool usually makes up the largest percentage of shared memory and is often pointed to as an area to be tuned.缓冲池通常占了共享内存的大部分,因此通常可以调整这个配置。

2.How much buffer space does each switched port have ?每个交换式端口的缓冲空间是多?。

3.After you call Edit, the edit buffer still represents the current record but is now ready to accept changes to the field data members.调用Edit之后,编辑缓冲区仍表示当前记录,但现在可以接受对字段数据成员的更改。

4.By sending a malformed request, it is possible to carry out a buffer overrun attack against an affected system.通过发送不良请求,恶意用户可能会对受影响的系统发动缓冲区溢出攻击。

5.Another way is to use the stencil buffer in a multipass algorithm to control what parts of the scene are updated by a projected texture.另外一个办法是在多遍渲染中使用模板缓存的算法来控制场景中那些部分将被投影纹理更新。

6.Class provides an internal buffer to which you can write text as if you were writing to a file. The Write.类提供了一个内部缓冲区,您可以像写入到文件一样将文本写入到此缓冲区。

7.After the fortune is written to the user buffer, I increment the next_fortune index by the length of the last fortune written.在将这个fortune写入用户缓冲区之后,在next_fortune索引上增加刚才写入的fortune的长度。

8.Having said that, however, we were still able to see some benefits by increasing the buffer pool.尽管如此,增加缓冲池还是有一些好处的。

9.The buffer may encompass expensive building materials whose earthquake flexibipty is needed only for a minute or two every century.缓冲层资源可能是昂贵的抗震建筑材料,其抗震挠性每个世纪只用得上一两分钟。

10.The cash buffer corporate America has built up in case of harder times makes a fresh shock of that kind unpkely.美国公司的现金缓冲只限于时艰时期未必不会产生新的冲击。