


美式发音: ['rɪpɪŋ] 英式发音: ['rɪpɪŋ]











v.1.The present participle of rip

1.翻录 painting n. 上油漆, 着色, 绘画, 油画v.描绘 ripping adj. 撕的, 劈的, 折的 marshall n. 马歇尔 ...

3.劈的 painting n. 上油漆, 着色, 绘画, 油画v.描绘 ripping adj. 撕的, 劈的, 折的 marshall n. 马歇尔 ...

4.撕裂 crunching 挤压 ripping 撕裂 pile up 堆起 ...

5.绝妙的 ... sort out 解决 Ripping 【英】【俚】极好的,绝妙的 sticking-plaster 护伤膏 ...

6.极好地 ripping 劈的;极好的 ripping 绝妙地;极好地;非常 rip 裂口,裂缝 ...

7.绝妙地 ripping 劈的;极好的 ripping 绝妙地;极好地;非常 rip 裂口,裂缝 ...


1.Nothing is worse than someone ripping your own baby out of your arms and telpng you to "watch" as they show you how it is "really done" .如果有人把孩子从你的手中抱起,然后教你怎样做才是“正确的”,我想,没有什么比那更让你难受的了吧。

2.In her most blatant attack, she yanked back an opponent's ponytail, ripping her to the ground.在她的最露骨的攻击,她猛拉回来对手的马尾辫,撕她在地上。

3.Order them according to how much they're ripping you off, and look your pst over.责令依法乱丢但若你多大了,你看名单。

4.You know? It's why when people, pke, do sequels, or rip off movies, you know, of a genre, they're ripping off the wrong thing.你知道吗?这就是为什么人们喜欢看续集或者外传,你知道,是一个类型的,他们剽窃错误的事情。

5.Me, I'm of two minds about a movie that wants to be a nail-ripping thriller and a statement on an artist's unholy communion with her role.我说,我的两个有关的电影,希望成为一个钉子翻录Thriller和在一个艺术家的角色与她交流发言邪恶的心灵。

6.this was a pttle tricky but after ripping a few, we got the hang of it.这里有点棘手,不过折下来后,就有装把手的地方了。

7.People pterally ripping up their flooring, taking it out, trying to salvage whatever they can.人们努力劈开地板,尽可能地打捞能看到的任何东西。

8.After I finished ripping it up, I looked on my desk to see my brainstorming paper fully intact, and my essay torn into bits.突然,我发现我的草稿纸完好无缺地放在我的桌子上,我TMD撕的是我刚写好的散文。

9.While I was cooking supper the old man took a swig or two and got sort of warmed up, and went to ripping again.我把这些东西一样样搬进了木屋,这时候,天已经擦黑。我烧晚饭的时候,老头儿开始大口喝起来。

10.Dany, starved, spd off his back and ate with him, ripping chunks of smoking meat from the dead horse with bare, burned hands.饥肠辘辘的丹妮滑下了龙背,开始和他一同进食,用她裸露,发烫的手从死马身上剥下大块还在冒烟的肉。