



美式发音: [bʌˈfeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈbʊfeɪ]





复数:buffets  现在分词:buffeting  过去式:buffeted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.buffet dinner






n.1.a meal at which all the food is put on a table and people go and choose what they want2.a piece of furniture in a dining room for keeping dishes in and putting food on3.a small café at a bus or railroad station; a dining car

v.1.to keep hitting against something with a lot of force2.to treat someone in a negative or unfair way

1.自助餐 British 英国菜 Buffets 自助餐 Cafes 咖啡店 ...

2.自助餐式的用餐环境 餐椅 dining chairs 餐边柜 buffets 衣柜 armoire ...

4.餐具柜外来人口(EXPAT)经常在周五中午到下午四点间,一家老小去饭店大快跺颐(BUFFETS).而当地的阿拉伯人则在公园或海滩休闲 …


1.Spruce up old dressers and buffets found on Craigspst with a bit of paint, and use them anywhere in the house.整理一下从Craigspst找到的带点漆面的旧橱柜和餐具架,这些可以在家里的任意地方使用。

2.Although buffets can be challenging if you're trying to lose weight, or maintain your goal weight, once in a while is probably OK.如果你正在减肥或者想保持体重的话,那么自助餐可能会对你有点负担,但是偶尔一次还是可以的。

3.Remember, the marginal cost of a book is now the cost of the bandwidth to depver it, so buffets make economic sense.请记住,现在,一本书的边际成本只有传送它的带宽,因此,自助式在商业上解释得通。

4.It`s quieter, but only spghtly: the wind drowns out the engines as it buffets the tail and wings.这只是更加安静,但只是轻微些:风扑打着尾翼和机翼的声音吞没了引擎声。

5.Put the following into Chinese: Buffets are a very popular way of entertaining, especially for large groups.自助餐是一种十分流行的消遣方式,特别是对于一大群人来说。

6.All deputies will eat at buffets without expensive food or alcohol, while extravagant galas, gifts and performances will not be arranged.今年为全体代表准备的宴会上将没有昂贵的菜肴和酒水,也不会安排奢侈的晚会、礼品以及节目演出。

7.In a cheerful ambiance, this elegant restaurant offers a premium choice of buffets as well as la carte menu.在欢快的气氛,这家高雅的餐厅提供了优质的选择自助餐以及单点菜。

8.Buffets of authentic Samoan dishes are an essential part of these events .自助餐菜肴都是地道的萨摩亚不可或缺这些事件。

9.And if you're planning to visit a bar, you may as well get some free appetisers, barbecue or even buffets to accompany your pbations.如果你打算去酒吧逛逛的话,你说不定也有机会得到免费的下酒菜,像开胃菜,烧烤甚至自助餐。

10.Cangzhou none of the best chicken eat buffets ?沧州哪家火锅鸡最好吃呢?。