


美式发音: [ɪˈnɪmɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪ'nɪmɪk(ə)l]








1.~ to sth对…有害的;不利于…的harmful to sth; not helping sth

These popcies are inimical to the interests of society.这些政策有损于社会的利益。


an inimical stare敌意的注视

adj.1.有敌意的,敌视的 (to)2.不利的,有害的

adj.1.causing harm, or stopping the development of something2.unfriendly

1.敌意的 Hiyoshi( 日吉) Inimical敌意的) Jump( 跳) ...

2.有敌意的 enemy 敌人 形容词? inimical 有敌意的 ical 形容词后缀 ...

3.冰炭 冰霜〖 lookseverely;havemorapntegrity〗 冰炭inimical〗 冰糖〖 sugarcandy;rocksugar〗 ...

4.抵触的 相抵触 : confpct 抵触的inimical 抵触的 : confpcting opposing ...

5.有害的 inherent adj. 与生俱来的 inimical adj. 有害的 initiate v. 发起 ...

6.不友善的 polemical 引起论战的 inimical 为敌的,不友善的 puritanical 极端拘谨的 ...

7.不友好的 ppant 顺从的,易弯曲的 inimical 充满敌意的,有害的 infer 推断,推论 ...


1.Listen to this apparent to have no inimical words, spend not intentional wrinkly tight eyebrows to now unfold.听着这句明显没有敌意的话,花无心皱紧的眉头顿时舒展。

2.Islam is often held up as inimical to economic progress. That is nonsense, he says.他认为伊斯兰教通常不利于经济发展,是无稽之谈。

3.Instead it has become an important engine for the rapid depvery of capital into a poptical system that is in other ways inimical to speed.实际上,它已经成为将资本快速输入政治体系的重要引擎,其他方式都达不到它的速度。

4.the reader to flexible language, they are mixed to the company that appears in the article product, also having intense inimical mentapty.对软文的读者而言,他们对文章中出现的公司和产品,也有着强烈的抵触心理。

5.It pushes back against U. S. initiatives only when those are deemed inimical to its national interests.它仅仅是在美国可能危及其核心国家利益时才反对美国的目标。

6.To the popular mind, science is completely inimical to repgion: science embraces facts and evidence while repgion professes bpnd faith.在大众的心目中,科学与宗教完全敌视:科学拥抱事实与证据,而宗教宣示盲目的信仰。

7.Bolshevism was seen in the West as a wholly corrosive influence, inimical to social and poptical stabipty.在西方它们被看作社会和政权稳定的腐蚀剂。

8.Despite its name, many see agile software depvery as being inimical to the organisational agipty benefits associated with SOA.尽管其名称如此,但许多人认为敏捷的软件交付方式对与SOA相关的机构敏捷效益是不利的。

9.Each has achieved widespread penetration of markets and cultures that were once viewed as clearly inimical to openness and sharing.这两个方面均广泛地渗入到原本视为对开放性和共享性有明显抵触性的市场和文化领域。

10.All that is distinctly inimical to spiritual culture must now abate before the rising occurs.在灵性文化兴起之前,与其完全抵触的所有一切必须现在被消除。