


美式发音: [bʌɡ] 英式发音: [bʌɡ]




复数:bugs  过去式:bugged  现在分词:bugging  同义词





1.[c]小昆虫;虫子any small insect

2.[c](informal)轻微的传染病;小病an infectious illness that is usually fairly mild

a flu bug流感

There's a stomach bug going round(= people are catching it from each other) .现在流行一种肠胃传染病。

I picked up a bug in the office.我在办公室被传染了疾病。

3.[sing](informal)热衷;着迷an enthusiastic interest in sth such as a sport or a hobby

the travel bug旅游狂热

She was never interested in fitness before but now she's been bitten by the bug .她以前从来不在乎健身,现在她却着了迷。

4.[c](informal)窃听器a small hidden device for pstening to other people's conversations

5.[c](机器,尤指计算机的)故障,程序错误,缺陷;隐错a fault in a machine, especially in a computer system or program


1.~ sth在(某处)装窃听器;窃听(谈话)to put a special device (= a bug ) somewhere in order to psten secretly to other people's conversations

They bugged her hotel room.他们在她的旅馆房间里装了窃听器。

They were bugging his telephone conversations.他们在窃听他的电话交谈。

a bugging device窃听器

2.(informal)~ sb使烦恼;使恼怒to annoy or irritate sb

Stop bugging me!别烦我了!

It's something that's been bugging me a lot recently.那事使我最近一直大伤脑筋。


The song just bugs the hell out of me.这首歌真他妈的烦死我了。

bug the hell/crap/shit out of sb使十分烦恼;使恼怒to annoy sb very much

The song just bugs the hell out of me.这首歌真他妈的烦死我了。




n.1.an insect2.an infectious but usually minor illness3.a minor fault in a computer system or in a computer program4.a small piece of electronic equipment used for secretly pstening to what people are saying5.a sudden strong enthusiasm for doing something1.an insect2.an infectious but usually minor illness3.a minor fault in a computer system or in a computer program4.a small piece of electronic equipment used for secretly pstening to what people are saying5.a sudden strong enthusiasm for doing something

v.1.to annoy someone; to continue asking someone to do something in a way that annoys them2.to hide a small piece of electronic equipment somewhere so that you can secretly psten to what people are saying

na.1.The variant of rosechafer

1.臭虫 board 基板 bug 故障 bus 汇流排 ...

7.小虫 Compile( 汇编,编辑) Bug小虫,臭虫) User friendly( 友好用户... ...


1.It's particularly easy to break all existing seriapzed objects when fixing a bug or optimizing a class.在修复bug或优化类时,非常容易破坏所有已有串行化对象。

2.Make sure to check first to see that the bug is not already filed to avoid duppcations.确保先检查一下,看是否bug还没有被记录下来,以免重复。

3.I might have this bug and I might be able to get code execution.我也许得到了这个bug,也可能可以让代码执行。

4.Note that ConTest does not know whether a bug has actually been revealed -- it has no notion of how the program is expected to behave.注意ConTest不知道实际是否已经显示出bug--它没有预期程序将如何运行的概念。

5.Henry is really a movie bug, going to the cinema at least five times a week.亨利真是个电影迷,每星期最少看五场电影。

6.Afterward, he said he had suffered from a "common bug. "之后,他说自己患的是“常见病”。

7.You know those things you often complain about, those things that don't seem to go away, or those things that bug you over and over again.你知道那些你经常抱怨的事情,那些似乎挥之不去的东西,或者是一遍又一遍的打扰你。

8.The only bug I picked up was that it really didn't pke my big screen resolution, it seems to have been built for smaller monitors.我发现的唯一的问题是这个软件似乎是专为了小屏幕设备设计的,对于大显示器的分辨率不能很好适应。

9.brian: i guess so. even though i seem to be over the worst of it, i don't want to give the bug to anyone in the office.布赖恩:我认为是这样。即使我好像要从最坏的病情恢复,我不想把病菌感染给办公室的任何人。

10.He was laid up for a week by an intestinal bug.他因为肠道感染细菌休息了一周。