


美式发音: [ˈtuθi] 英式发音: [ˈtuːθi]



比较级:toothier  最高级:toothiest  



1.(笑时)露齿的,多齿的atoothy smile shows a lot of teeth


adj.1.someone who is toothy has a lot of large teeth

1.露出牙齿的 look into 浏览,观察 toothy 露出牙齿的, search 搜索,寻找 ...

2.大牙 1.2 Giggles( 笑笑) 1.3 Toothy大牙) 1.4 Lumpy( 笨笨) ...

3.很多牙齿的 3. reptile n. 爬虫类 4. toothy a. (露出)很多牙齿的 5. reserve n. 保护区 ...

4.露牙的 ... 自走炸弹人宝宝 Tiny Walking Bomb 露牙的 Toothy 安静的机械雪人 Tranquil Mechanical Yet…

5.托迪 Giggles( 琪多) [编辑] Toothy托迪) [编辑] Lumpy( 蓝比) [编辑] ...

6.凸牙 物品:尼尼的小桶 / 史纳立的水桶 / Snarly's Bucket 牙牙 / 凸牙 / Toothy 物品:牙牙的小桶 / 凸牙的水桶 / Toothy's Bucket ...

7.牙牙ket) 拾取后绑定 专业:钓鱼 来源同上。 5、牙牙(Toothy) 物品:牙牙的小桶(Toothy's Bucket) 拾取后绑定 专业:钓鱼 来源同 …

8.海狸 Giggles( 花栗鼠) Toothy海狸) Lumpy( 麋鹿) ...


1.The toothy farmer said he was introduced to the idea of growing coffee back in 1992 by experts, both Chinese and foreign.这个有点凸牙(想想龅牙珍)的农民说,回想起那是1992年,他被中外专家介绍知道了咖啡种植这件事。

2.The dentist: The first thing after waking up in the morning and the last thing before going to bed should be a sweet toothy smile.牙医说“早上起床前的第一件事,晚上睡觉前的最后一件事就是一个迷人的露齿微笑”。

3.Opposite Winston there Sat. a man with a chinless, toothy face exactly pke that of some large, harmless rodent.温斯顿对面坐着一个没有下巴颏儿、牙齿外露的男人,他的脸就好像一只驯良的大兔子一样。

4.His mummified face, including his toothy smile, and his teenage feet are the only visible parts behind the thick glass walls.他木乃伊化的脸颊,露齿的微笑和年轻的脚部是隔着厚厚玻璃墙唯一可见的部分。

5.The last fish turns out to be no cod or haddock but something eel-pke, scary and toothy.钓上的最后一条鱼不是鳕鱼也不是黑线鳕,而是鳗鱼样的,可怕的露出牙齿的东西。

6.Titanoboa could've swallowed such toothy prey as though it were an appetizer.但泰坦莽不可能把它这样牙齿发达的生物当作开胃菜一口吞下。

7.They have flattened flukes for bodies, with a large toothy snout flanked by hooked grasping claws -- hence the name.它们身体扁平,一张布满牙齿的大嘴边长着钩状利爪——它们由此得名。

8.The frail-looking 71-year-old would flash his trademark toothy grin as he railed against the West, Israel and women's rights.每次对西方世界、以色列以及女权问题发起责难时,这位形容枯槁的71岁老人都会闪现其招牌式的咧嘴一笑。

9.In Barcelona, he appeared as a blue, tear-shaped blob with a toothy grin showing both rows of teeth.在巴塞罗那展示时,他的形象是一个蓝色、泪珠形状的一砣东西,带着露出双排牙齿的笑容。

10.They used to walk, they used to swim, they used to fly with a toothy grin.它们常常行走,它们常常游泳,它们常常咧着嘴笑着飞。