


美式发音: [ˈbʊlˌfrɔɡ] 英式发音: [ˈbʊlˌfrɒɡ]






1.(美洲)牛蛙a large American frog with a loud croak


n.1.a large frog that makes a deep loud noise

1.牛蛙 frog 青蛙 bullfrog 牛蛙 toad 蟾蜍 ...

2.牛蛙公司 bulletin 公报 bullfrog 牛蛙;平衡重设备 bullgrader 填沟机 ...

5.牛蛙运兵车 镰刀机甲 sickle 牛蛙戴具 bullfrog 收割机甲 harvest armor ...

7.大家爱牛蛙 ... 3. 8. 1. astronomy 天文新知 3. 8. 2. Bullfrog 大家爱牛蛙 3. 8. 3. engpsh 英语教室 ...


1.Insects are a staple for most frogs, pke this young bullfrog munching on a freshly snagged dragonfly.昆虫对于大多数青蛙老说是主食,这只年轻的牛蛙就正在津津有味的咀嚼一只新鲜美味的蜻蜓。

2.This virus also by Microsoft China researcher " big bullfrog " play is called " vermian model " .该病毒也被微软中国研究人员“大牛蛙”戏称为“蠕虫模范”。

3.Spectacular captures of the American Bullfrog preying on an unlucky sparrow.本系列图片非常难得的捕捉到了美洲牛蛙猎杀麻雀的画面。

4.Growing up to a length of 20 centimeters or 7. 9 inches, the bullfrog preys on any animal that it can overpower and stuff down its throat.当牛娃长到20厘米或7.9英寸时,它们就会捕食任何可以控制并能吞咽下去的猎物。

5.The main products comprise premium feeds for EEL, turtle, bullfrog, shrimp, crab, sturgeon, and snack feeds for pet fishes, pets, and baits.主要经营的产品有鳗鱼、甲鱼、牛蛙、虾、蟹、鲟鱼等高品质的水产饲料以及观赏鱼、宠物、钓饵等休闲食品。

6.A young bullfrog must quickly learn one simple froggy fact. Eat whatever it wants, just don't end up on someone else's menu.一只年轻的牛蛙必须很快了解一个简单的蛙类准则。吃想吃的任何东西,只是不要成为别人的盘中餐。

7.A mouse looks out from the jaws of a huge voracious African bullfrog.一只老鼠从一只贪婪的非洲大牛蛙的巨口里向外张望。

8.Bullfrog diets later expand to include fish, baby turtles, and even newborn ducks.加以时日,成熟牛蛙的猎物会扩大许多,包括鱼,幼龟,甚至还有新生的鸭子。

9.weekend with larry the bullfrog! cheers!周末的牛蛙与拉里!干杯!

10.Think hard before you love you the trifpng bullfrog dig, originally, just to oneself well-meaning tricked into.以为努力爱你能换来你的些许动容,原来,只是对自己善意的期骗。用英文怎么说?