




1.米奇 ... Mike rotation 麦克四面旋转示意图 Mikey 麦基 Mike expressions 麦克表情 …

7.米基 危险小宝贝 Mikey 香港奇案之强奸 Xiang Gang qi an zhi qiang jian ...


1.Glass shattered and growls filled the cool morning air. Her eyes snapped open to see Mikey trying to push his way through the window.玻璃粉碎的声音和咆哮声充斥着早晨凉爽的空气。她猛地睁开眼睛看见麦克正挣扎着要从窗户出来。

2.Mikey imagined that they were skating a victory lap around the Olympic rink and she was a member of a gold-medal hockey team.米奇想象着他们正在奥运会的冰球场上绕场一圈庆祝胜利,而自己就是冠军队里的一员。

3.Robert pulled Mikey's hat down over her eyes and strode out the door.罗伯特把米奇的帽子拉下来遮住她的眼睛,然后大步走出门外。

4.I shook Mikey'shand , and he returned to his mother.之后,我和迈克握手辞别,他跑回了本人妈妈身边。

5.Mikey staggered around the pond with her arms outstretched, looking more pke Frankenstein's monster than an Olympic figure skater.米奇张开双臂,绕着池塘蹒跚而行,看起来不像是奥运会的花样滑冰运动员,倒像《科学怪人》里的怪物。

6.Then, above the howl of the wind she heard Robert call, "Come here, Mikey. We need a goape. "这时,罗伯特的声音穿过寒风的咆哮传了过来:“过来这儿,米奇。我们正缺一个守门员呢。”

7.The edge of the pond was barely visible. Before Mikey reached the shore, the boys were out of their skates.米奇还没到达池塘边,男孩儿们就已经把冰鞋脱下来了。

8.Michele 'Mikey' Carlson Squires was brushing her teeth Friday night when a TV news report about a Volkswagen microbus caught her attention.那是一个周五的晚上,当米歇尔·卡尔森·斯奎尔斯(MicheleCarlsonSquires)正在刷牙时一则有关失窃大众(Volkswagen)面包车的电视新闻引起了她的注意。

9.Mikey pressed her cheek against the cold windowpane and watched the gray clouds roll across the winter sky.米奇把脸蛋儿紧紧地贴在冰冷的窗玻璃上,看着冬日天空中翻滚着的灰色云朵。

10.Raising her hands, she pressed them against her face and watched as Lloyd and Mikey wiggled and jerked their way through the narrow window.她抬手捂住脸,却看见劳埃德和麦克摇晃着从狭窄的窗户里挣扎出来。