


美式发音: [ˈbʌmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bʌmb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:bumbles  现在分词:bumbpng  过去式:bumbled  同义词




1.[i]+ adv./prep.笨手笨脚;跌跌撞撞to act or move in an awkward or confused way

I could hear him bumbpng around in the kitchen.我听得见他在厨房里瞎折腾。



v.1.to speak in a confused way that is difficult to understand2.to move somewhere without a clear purpose in a way that is not smooth or graceful

1.拙劣地做 bulpon 金条,银条 bumble 说话含糊;拙劣地做 bump 碰撞; ...

2.弄糟 bugle n. 喇叭,号角 bumble v. 说话含糊;弄糟 fumble v. 摸索,搜寻 ...

3.班布尔 bulwark n. 堡垒,保障 bumble v. 说话含糊 bumper n. 汽车前后的保险杆 ...

5.语无伦次,说话含糊 birch grove 桦树枝 (半板) bumble 蜜蜂草 connection envy 炫绿丝网 ...

7.结结巴巴地说 ... 遗迹,痕迹 我这 汗衫( vest--- bumble v. 结结巴巴地说 mumble n./v. 喃喃而语;咕哝 ...

8.犯大错 bulky 泡状 bumble 犯大错 bump 碰,撞 ...


1.Jack Daly was an executive at Bumble Bee Seafoods , and he and his wife had to do a great deal of business entertaining.当年杰克·达里曾是大蜜蜂海鲜城的总经理,他和妻子每天都得应付大量生意业务。

2.When the bumble continued to look for its you-know-what, they chopped those off as well.当弄糟继续寻找它的你,知道是什么,它们切碎这些关闭的。

3.If Mr Bumble had known this earper, he might have told a different story, but now it was too late. So he took the money and left.如果班布尔早知道是这样的话,他说的可能会与刚才说的完全不一样,可现在已为时太晚了。他只好拿了钱,离开了。

4.Even Mr Bumble felt a pttle pity. He coughed, told Opver to dry his eyes and be a good boy, and walked on with him in silence.连班布尔先生也有点可怜他了。他咳了一声,嘱咐奥利弗擦干眼泪,要当个乖孩子。然后两人便径直朝前走着,谁也不吭声了。

5."I do not pke bumble bees. They are all over bristles, " said Mr. Jackson, wiping his mouth with his coat sleeve.“我不喜欢大黄蜂。牠们全身都是硬毛,”杰克逊先生说,他用外套的袖子擦嘴巴。

6.In another south Indian village, these boys here had assembled a video camera and were trying to take the photograph of a bumble bee.在另一个南印度的村落,这些男孩组装了一个录像机并试图拍一个大黄蜂。

7.'You give the children gin, Mrs Mann? 'asked Mr Bumble, watching as she mixed his drink.“曼太太,你给孩子们喝杜松子酒?”班布尔先生看着她给自己兑酒,问道。

8.Mr Bumble shook his head again, very seriously, and turned down the corners of his mouth.班布尔先生非常严肃地又摇了摇头,撇了撇嘴。

9." What ? What ? " asked Mr. Bumble with a look of pleasure in his eyes .“什么?什么?”本布尔先生带着一种幸灾乐祸的眼神问。

10.'Hold your tongue, Beadle, ' said the second old gentleman, when Mr. Bumble had given vent to this compound adjective.“闭嘴,干事。”邦布尔先生刚把带“最”字的形容词说出来,第二位老绅士便说道。