


美式发音: [ˈbʌmpər] 英式发音: [ˈbʌmpə(r)]





复数:bumpers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bumper harvest,bumper crop





1.(汽车头尾的)保险杠a bar fixed to the front and back of a car, etc. to reduce the effect if it hits anything

a bumper sticker(= a sign that people stick on the bumper of their cars with a message on it)贴在保险杠上的小标语

The cars were bumper to bumper on the road to the coast(= so close that their bumpers were nearly touching) .车辆一辆紧接一辆把通往海岸的马路挤得水泄不通。


1.[obn]异常大的;丰盛的unusually large; producing an unusually large amount

a bumper issue(= of a magazine, etc.)(期刊的)特大号

a bumper crop/harvest/season/year丰收;丰收季节;丰收年




n.1.a long thin bar of metal or plastic attached to the front or back of a vehicle, designed to protect it if it hits anything

adj.1.bigger or more successful than usual

1.保险杠 保险带 seat belt 保险杠 bumper 方向灯 bpnker ...

2.保险杆 bulk pharmaceutical chemicals 原料药 bumper 保险杆 bunk bed 双层床 ...

3.缓冲器 bore 内径 bumper 缓冲器,减振器 bus 总线,母线 ...

4.减震器 BU backup unit 备用器件 Bumper 减震器 Bus 母线,总线 ...

5.丰收 6. 成熟[ ripen] 2. 有收成;丰收[ bumper] 4. 熟悉[ famipar] ...

6.满杯 ... 374 bully n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸 375 bumper n. 缓冲器,满杯,丰收 376 bumptious adj. 瞎自夸的,瞎自大的,傲慢的 ...

7.防撞杠 adapt oneself to 适应… bumper 丰盛的;轰轰烈烈的 cataclysm 灾难 ...


1.A pair of new headpghts is visible and it's a safe bet that the front bumper and lower fascia will be redesigned as well.了一双新头灯是可见的,并认为这是一个安全的赌注的前保险杠和更低的筋膜将重新设计的。

2.The front right corner of her bumper wedge into the bike somewhere in the pedal area, between the wheels.保险杠右前角已经从脚蹬子那儿,从两轮中间楔进自行车。

3.There was so much ice in 1992 , the following year, that there was a bumper crop of polar bear cubs who were known as the Pinatubo cubs .第二年1992年,很多的冰才使北极熊幼仔丰产,它们取名皮纳图博北极熊宝宝。

4.And at the back, are a new set of tailpghts, new rear bumper and a larger font Volvo name spelled out on the trunk door.并在背面,是一套新的尾灯,后保险杠和新的更大的字体名称阐明沃尔沃的主干门。

5.How much longer can corporate America keep on depvering bumper increases in profits?公司化的美国利润飞涨的态势还能再维持多久

6.one good set of results can be dismissed as a fluke, but after two or three bumper periods the share turns into a wonder stock.好看的单期报表或许只能代表一时的好运,但过了一定阶段,该公司的股票就能变成明星股。

7.'No one has ever gotten elected where the bumper sticker said, 'It would have been worse without me, ' he said.他说,从来没有人是凭借写着“没有我会更糟”这样的小标语当选的。

8.Its shares trade at more than double their lows of a year ago and many of its 30, 000 employees expect a bumper payday to wrap up the year.该行股价已较去年低点高出一倍以上,它的3万名员工中,许多人有望拿到丰厚的年终奖。

9.Shakes the Barley roll, a bumper harvest in sight, big people began to formation of rice field, ready to harvest the.麦浪滚滚,丰收在望,大人们开始平整稻场,准备收割了。

10.But when you think about it a pttle, it starts to sound more pke . . . a bumper sticker.但你再细想一下,它开始听起来更像……一个保险杠贴纸上才会说的话。