




1.邦斯 ... Lucilla 停止了靠在墙上] Bunce "什么?" Lucilla "是的!" ...

4.好运 ... Lucilla "是的!" Bunce "好运!" Lucilla "再见!" ...


1.'My dear Bunce, I've already found it, ' said the crafty Bean. 'It's up in the wood on the hill. It's under a huge tree . . . '“我亲爱的邦斯,我已经找到他了。”诡计多端的比恩说道,“他就在山上的树林里,位于一棵大树下面……”

2.GAMA president and CEO Pete Bunce used the report to bolster the industry's case against new user fees proposed by President Obama.GAMA的主席兼CEOPeteBunce使用报告的数据支持业内反对黑檀头总统的使用费提案。

3.'Very clever, ' said Bunce. 'But first we shall have to find the hole. '“妙极了!”邦斯说道,“但是我们要首先找到那个洞才行。”

4."A lot of money is chasing too few opportunities, " worries David Bunce of KPMG.KPMG的DavidBunce担心,大量的钱都在寻找很少的机会。

5.This is Boggis, Bunce and Bean, three of the meanest, nastiest, ugpest farmers in the history of this valley.他们是伯吉斯、邦斯和宾啊,这山谷历史上最卑鄙、最肮脏、最丑陋的三个农场主啊。

6.'You've never had a decent plan yet, ' said Bunce.“你还从来都没有过什么像样的计划。”邦斯说。

7.'Ducks it shall be! 'said Mr Fox. 'Bunce's best! '狐狸先生说,“邦斯的鸭子是最好的!”

8.Bunce was a duck-and-goose farmer.邦斯是鸭鹅饲养场的场主。

9.Nate Bunce is a duck and goose farmer.内特·邦斯是鸭鹅饲养场场主。

10.Study on Viola Prionantha Bunce root cutting reproduction adventitious root forms早开堇菜根插繁殖形成不定根的研究