



美式发音: [ˈbʌnd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bʌnd(ə)l]




复数:bundles  现在分词:bundpng  过去式:bundled  搭配同义词

v.+n.make bundle





v.1.包,捆,扎 (up)2.把...乱七八糟地扔进[塞进] (in, into) 把...匆匆忙忙打发走3.〈美俚〉偷4.急急忙忙收拾行李5.匆忙离去 (off, out, away)6.和衣而睡1.包,捆,扎 (up)2.把...乱七八糟地扔进[塞进] (in, into) 把...匆匆忙忙打发走3.〈美俚〉偷4.急急忙忙收拾行李5.匆忙离去 (off, out, away)6.和衣而睡

n.1.a group of things that have been tied together, especially so that you can carry them easily2.a group of things that are sold or offered as a set3.something that is wrapped in something soft such as a blanket so that you cannot see its real shape

v.1.to make someone go to a particular place by pushing them in a quick, rough way; to go somewhere quickly with other people, or to make people do this2.to put things into groups and wrap or tie them together3.to sell two or more things together as a single product

1.捆绑 Born To Be the King 胜者为王 Bundled 我叫阿铭啦 The Cabbie 运转手之恋 ...

3.捆绑的因为我们得到的逻辑所刻画的结构和分支时空结构有如下三点不同:右连续的(Right serial)、捆绑的Bundled)、非过去同 …

4.捆绑式需要注意的是:更进一步的下载应该是捆绑式(bundled)的,在下一部分将会介绍该内容,并且批量下载的数据根据不同的连接类 …



1.Her long, thick hair was her one beauty, but it was usually bundled into a net, to be out of her way.浓密的长发使她显得特别美丽,但为了方便,一头长发通常被她束入发网。

2.His colleagues say a group of men bundled him into a white van and severely beat him up.其一名同事说,一群人把他捆起来带到一辆白色的货车里,对其进行暴打。

3.When she refused, she said, the men bundled her into the car and started punching her.桑切斯说她拒绝上车,然后便被那群人捆绑,并强行带入车内实施殴打。

4.At least, if I had to be bundled up, Edward's shirt was on the floor.不过至少,在我被绑得严实时,爱德华的衬衫则弃在了地板上。

5.I bundled him up in my coat and put him in the pickup truck for the short ride back to our small family farm in rural Idaho.我用上衣裹起它,放在小卡车里,我们走捷径驶回我们在爱达荷州乡下的小农场。

6.With its passengers bundled against the arctic wind blowing off the Beaufort Sea, the small boat speeds smoothly across the lagoon.迎着吹过北福海的北极寒风,随着匆忙前进的游客,小船快速平稳地穿过环礁湖。

7.It was Gatsby's father, a solemn old man, very helpless and dismayed, bundled up in a long cheap ulster against the warm September day.来的是盖茨比的父亲,一个很庄重的老头子,非常可怜,非常沮丧,这样暖和的九月天就裹上了一件蹩脚的长外套。

8.Assets were bundled into a pool, securitised, stuffed into a CDO, bits of that plugged into the next CDO and so on and on.资产被组合成池,进行证券化操作,进而被塞进CDO,其中一些还会被投入下一个CDO,并如此往复再往复。

9.The company also claims that the title will include "more exercises than any other fitness game" , and will come bundled with the camera.育碧甚至声称这个游戏会包含“比起任何一个健身游戏都要多的锻炼项目”以及会与摄像头捆绑出售。

10.She put into his hand two fifty-pound notes, and then, as if she was ashamed of herself, bundled him out of doors.她把两张五十镑的钞票塞进他手里,接着,好象她为自己感到难为情,把他推出了门。