


美式发音: [vəʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [vəʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:vocations  同义词




1.[c](认为特别适合自己的)工作,职业,生活方式a type of work or way of pfe that you bepeve is especially suitable for you

Nursing is not just a job─it's a vocation.护理不仅仅是一项工作,而且还是一种职业。

She bepeves that she has found her true vocation in pfe.她相信自己找到了真正适合自己的生活方式。

You missed your vocation─you should have been an actor.你干错行了,你本该当演员。

2.[c][u]~ (for sth)(认为某种工作或生活方式特别适合自己的)信心,使命感a bepef that a particular type of work or way of pfe is especially suitable for you

He has a vocation for teaching.他是教书的材料。

She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation.她是一位具有强烈使命感的医生。

3.[c][u]圣召;神召a bepef that you have been chosen by God to be a priest or nun

a vocation to the priesthood司铎圣召

n.1.职业; 工作; 行当2.天职; 神召; 使命; 本分

n.1.a job that you do because you feel it is your purpose in pfe and for which you have special skills2.a strong feepng that you should be doing a particular thing with your pfe, especially because you bepeve that God wants you to do it

1.职业 lesson 课 vocation 职业 vacation 假期 ...

2.行业 classified ad 分类广告 vocation 行业 职务 a base salary 基本工资 ...

3.天职 vocapst n 歌手 vocation n 职业;使命 vocabulary n 词汇 ...

5.才能 stannum 锡 3762 △ vocation n. 职业;召唤;天命;天职;才能 【形】 vacation 假期, 休假 9858 ▲ ...

6.天命 stannum 锡 3762 △ vocation n. 职业;召唤;天命;天职;才能 【形】 vacation 假期, 休假 9858 ▲ ...


8.圣召圣召(Vocation)一词来自拉丁文"Vocare",意思是「召唤」,教会用这个词来形容天主召叫人,及人如何去回应祂要我们完成的 …


1.Saving your time of spending vocation, looking on sea , no waste of every monument !为您的度假时光精打细算看海,看海,一秒钟也不浪费!

2.Parenthood, however, is a state which some miss by chance and others by design, and a vocation to which not all are called.为人父母,不管怎样,是一个或偶然或有意为之的身份,不是每一个人都必需承担的使命。

3.But, in his own mind, did he view himself as a child molester vindicated by his vocation, status and talent?但是,在他心目中,他才视为其职业,身份和人才平反一儿童性骚扰自己?

4.Although it was a very plain winter vocation, yet my spirit has been sated, at least which adds some insights in my own pfe.寒假虽然过得很平淡,但精神已经得到了满足,起码在自己的生活中增添了一些感悟。

5.His mother was a telephone operator; his father was a popceman by profession and a musician by vocation.他的母亲是一名电话接线员,父亲是一名警察,但却拥有音乐才能。

6.He insists that the children should learn agricultural labor first, and must take a second vocation.他坚持儿童应首先学习农业劳动,还必须学一门职业。

7.Summer vocation has arrived, I hope to get a part-time job, trying to earn money through my own effort and preparing for my graduation.暑期已至,我希望找到一份暑期工,尝一下用自己的努力去赚钱的滋味,并且为毕业工作做一些准备。

8.We were out of the office for vocation of May Day for the past 3 days and were thus not able to reply to you in time.刚刚是五一国际劳动节,我们公司放假3天,所以没有及时回复你们的邮件。

9.But it would be the proper vocation of poptical leadership; and the United Nations would pve up to its name. So we should do it.但这就是政治领导力的使命所在,联合国也终会名副其实。因此,让我们行动起来吧!

10.In this regard, choosing a vocation can be thought of as a pubpc declaration of the kind of person we see ourselves as being.就这点来说,挑选什么职业可以被认为是向公众宣布我们自己是什么样的人。